Accusoft ImagXpress 13
ToolIsAttributeSupported Method
An enumIXTool value for which to get the indicator.
An enumIXToolAttr value for which to get the indicator.
Retrieves an indicator if the tool attribute is supported for a tool.
Visual Basic
Public Function ToolIsAttributeSupported( _
   ByVal Tool As enumIXTool, _
   ByVal Attribute As enumIXToolAttr _
) As Boolean
TOOL_HandImage panning tool.
TOOL_MagMagnifying window.
TOOL_MouseWheelHorizScrollMouse wheel horizontal scroll.
TOOL_MouseWheelVertScrollMouse wheel vertical scroll.
TOOL_MouseWheelZoomMouse wheel zoom.
TOOL_NoneNo tool selected.
TOOL_PanImage viewing pan tool.
TOOL_SelectRubberband window selection tool.
TOOL_ZoomInZoom in tool.
TOOL_ZoomOutZoom out tool.
TOOL_ZoomRectZoom rectangle tool.
An enumIXTool value for which to get the indicator.
TOOLATTR_AllowNotateXpressToDisplayTooltipsAllow NotateXpress to display tool-tips.
TOOLATTR_MagFactorMagnification factor.
TOOLATTR_MagHeightMagnifier height value.
TOOLATTR_MagWidthMagnifier width value.
TOOLATTR_MinimumAreaMinimum area.
TOOLATTR_MouseWheelHorizScrollMouse wheel horizontal scroll.
TOOLATTR_MouseWheelVertScrollMouse wheel vertical scroll.
TOOLATTR_MouseWheelZoomMouse wheel zoom.
TOOLATTR_SelectFillTransparent or inverted selections.
TOOLATTR_SelectShapeSelect region shape.
TOOLATTR_ZoomInFactorZoom in factor.
TOOLATTR_ZoomOutFactorZoom out factor.
An enumIXToolAttr value for which to get the indicator.
Return Type
True if the tool attribute is supported for the tool, otherwise, False is returned.


See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members  | enumIXTool Enumeration  | enumIXToolAttr Enumeration  | Tools



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