Accusoft ImagXpress 13
TagAdd Method
The tag number of the tag to add. See TagNumber property for more information on valid tag numbers.

The type of data within the tag.

The number of data elements in the tag.
The tag's data items.
Adds a tag to the image's tag list.
Visual Basic
Public Sub TagAdd( _
   ByVal TagNbr As Long, _
   ByVal TagType As Long, _
   ByVal Length As Long, _
   ByVal Data As Variant _
The tag number of the tag to add. See TagNumber property for more information on valid tag numbers.

The type of data within the tag.

  • TAG_BYTE (1) Byte

  • TAG_ASCII (2) Ascii character

  • TAG_SHORT (3) Short

  • TAG_LONG (4) Long

  • TAG_RATIONAL (5) Rational

  • TAG_SBYTE (6) Signed byte

  • TAG_UNDEFINE (7) 8 bit byte

  • TAG_SSHORT (8) Signed Short

  • TAG_SLONG> (9) Signed Long

  • TAG_SRATIONAL (10) Signed Rational

  • TAG_FLOAT (11) Float (4 Bytes)

  • TAG_DOUBLE (12) Double (8 bytes)

The number of data elements in the tag.
The tag's data items.

Upon successful completion of this method, the current tag is updated.  Use the TagNumber, TagCount, TagType, TagLength, TagData properties and TagGetDataItem method to obtain information about the tag.

To modify a tag that already exists, use the TagModify Method. Attempting to add a tag which already exists will result in a IX_Error_TiffTag_AddError.

Note: Available in Professional Edition. 

The enitre string will be added. The length of a TAG_ASCII tag should be set to the number of characters in the string plus one ( ie: one extra character for the NULL terminator).
ImagXpress1.TagAdd nTagNumber, TAG_ASCII, Len(strTagValue)+1, strTagValue
The data should be passed as a two element array of long values.
Dim R[2] As Long
R(0) = 600
R(1) = 1
ImagXpress1.TagAdd nTagNumber, TAG_RATIONAL, 1, R
See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members  | TagNumber Property  | TagDelete Method  | TagModify Method  | Image Metadata



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