Accusoft ImagXpress 13
JPEGCommentAdd Method
The JPEG comment number to add.
The JPEG comment text to add.
Adds a comment to the current comment list.
Visual Basic
Public Sub JPEGCommentAdd( _
   ByVal CommentNbr As Long, _
   ByVal Comment As String _
The JPEG comment number to add.
The JPEG comment text to add.

Invoke the JPEGCommentCount property to obtain the number of comments in the current comment list. Query the JPEGetComment method to obtain the comment text. JPEGCommentAdd does not modify an existing comment. It inserts a comment at the specified number in the list and moves all other comments back by one position.

When adding, if the number is less than 1, the comment is added at the beginning of the comments. If the number is greater than the JPEGCommentCount property, then the comment is added at the last position in the list.

If the current DIB is saved as a JPEG, JPEG 2000, or JPEG LS file, the updated comment list saves with the file. If the current DIB is saved as a WSQ file, only the first comment in the list saves with the file.

See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members  | JPEGGetComment Method  | JPEGCommentDelete Method  | JPEGCommentCount Property  | JPEG Format



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