Accusoft ImagXpress 13
IX_TouchFlick_Direction Enumeration
Option values used to determine the direction of the flick for the TouchFlick event.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_Down6Flick down.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_DownLeft5Flick down and to the left.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_DownRight7Flick down and to the right.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_Left4Flick to the left.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_Right0Flick to the right.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_Up2Flick up.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_UpLeft3Flick up and to the left.
IX_TouchFlick_Direction_UpRight1Flick up and to the right.
Note: Depending on the touch system, not all directions may be returned. Some flick directions may not be available by default on a user's system and may need to be enabled. The flicks are controlled on a user's system in the Windows Control Panel under the Pen and Touch settings. There is a Flick tab in the Pen and Touch control panel applet that customizes flick settings for the entire system. Please review the Window's documentation on how to adjust these settings.



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