Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassAutoResizeChangedEventArgs This class implements event data for AutoResizeChanged events.
ClassCadLayer This class contains information about a layer in a CAD file.
ClassCadLayout This class describes one Layout within a given CAD Data File.
ClassFlickEventArgs This class implements event data for TouchFlick events.
ClassIcmException This class implements exceptions for the Icm objects.
ClassImageCalsCollection This class implements a collection of ImageCalsTag objects.
ClassImageCalsTag This class implements methods and properties for the Cals tag data.
ClassImageModcaCollection Initializes a new instance of the ImageModcaTag class.
ClassImageModcaTag This class holds Modca tags.
ClassImageReduce Re-save compressed image formats without the resource overhead of presenting its decompressed pixel data as a DIB.
ClassImageStatusEventArgs This class contains object data for Image Status events.
ClassImageX This class implements basic operating functionality for the ImagXpress component.
ClassImageXData Implements image information pertaining to the current image.
ClassImageXException This class implements exceptions for the ImageX objects.
ClassImageXIptcCollection This class implements a collection of ImageXIptcData objects.
ClassImageXIptcData A class for IPTC meta-data information.
ClassImageXTag This class holds TIFF and EXIF tags.
ClassImageXTagCollection A collection of ImageXTag objects.
ClassImageXView Implements the properties, methods and events for the viewer control.
ClassImageXViewException This class implements exceptions for the ImageXView objects.
ClassImagXpress Implements methods and properties for the ImagXpress component. This is a workspace component to the other controls, components and classes for handling such items as licensing, debug logging, and and progress and status events for the ImageX objects.
ClassImagXpressDefaultContextMenu This class implements methods and properties for the ImageXView default context menu.
ClassImagXpressException This class implements handling errors and exceptions for ImagXpress objects.
ClassInternetException This class implements exceptions for the Internet objects.
ClassInternetOptions This class implements functionality for Internet options.
ClassLicensing The Licensing class determines the license edition and behavior, and unlock methods.
ClassLoadOptions The LoadOptions class includes various formats and image types to load into ImagXpress.
ClassLoadOptionsCad This class contains the CAD data objects options when loading CAD files.
ClassLoadOptionsCameraRaw This class implements load options for the CameraRaw images.
ClassLoadOptionsJbig2 This class implements load options for the Jbig2 file format.
ClassLoadOptionsJpeg This class implements load options for the JPEG file format.
ClassLoadOptionsJpegXR This class implements load options for the JPEG-XR format.
ClassLoadOptionsMetafile This class implements load options for metafiles.
ClassLoadOptionsPdf This class implements load options for PDF files.
ClassLoadOptionsPic This class implements the load options for the Pegasus Imaging Corporation file format.
ClassLoadOptionsRaw This class specifies image information that cannot be detected when loading a RAW image format.
ClassLoadOptionsTiff This class implements the load options for TIFF files.
ClassLookupTable A class for specifying a lookup table to be used with the Medical class.
ClassMedical The Medical class is an encapsulation of the properties needed to do a DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) grayscale transformation.
ClassPaintImageEventArgs Provides data for the ImageXView.PaintImage event.
ClassPanGestureOccurredEventArgs This class implements event data for TouchPan events.
ClassPanGestureOccurringEventArgs This class implements event data for PanGestureOccurring events.
ClassPressAndHoldEventArgs This class implements event data for PressAndHold events.
ClassPressAndTapEventArgs This class implements event data for PressAndTap events.
ClassPrintImageEventArgs Provides data for the ImageXView.PaintImage Event.
ClassProcessor This class implements methods and properties to enhance, edit and modify images.
ClassProcessorException This class implements exceptions for the Processor objects.
ClassProgressEventArgs This class implements methods and properties for the progress events.
ClassRedeyeCollection Summary description for RedeyeCollection.
ClassRedeyeRectangle Summary description for RedeyeRectangle. AutoRemoveRedeye generates rectangle areas of objects thought to be redeyes and have been corrected (red removed). Because some objects looking like redeyes but are not are identified and corrected (false positives) and some redeyes not looking like what they are and are not corrected (missed negatives), a list of rectangles is automatically generated. These rectangles are available to the user (application) for analysis and corrective action. The user can redo the correction by editing the rectangle list, reload the picture and apply the AutoRemoveRedeye method again but indicating the method to use the existing list. Each RedeyeRectangle has five members describing the area of the redeye found and the likelyhood that the object was correctly identified. The X and Y position indicate the top left corner of the rectangle and The Width and Height denote the rectangle dimensions. The Confidence parameter indicates how likely the area identified is indeed a redeye object.
ClassResizedEventArgs This class implements event data for Resized events.
ClassResolution This class contains properties and methods for the resolution of an image.
ClassRotationGestureOccurredEventArgs This class implements event data for the RotationGestureOccurred events.
ClassRotationGestureOccurringEventArgs This class implements event data for RotationGestureOccurring events.
ClassRubberband This class implements methods and properties for part or all of an image to be selected within a dashed rectangular area.
ClassSaveOptions This class implements file writing of image formats.
ClassSaveOptionsAnnotations This class implements options required to save annotations with the image.
ClassSaveOptionsBmp This class implements the SaveOptions for BMP files.
ClassSaveOptionsDcx This class implements the SaveOptions for the DCX file format.
ClassSaveOptionsExif This class implements the SaveOptions for the EXIF file format.
ClassSaveOptionsGif This class implements the SaveOptions for the GIF file format.
ClassSaveOptionsIcon This class implements SaveOptions for the Icon file format.
ClassSaveOptionsJbig2 This class implements SaveOptions for the Jbig2 file format.
ClassSaveOptionsJls This class implements SaveOptions for the JLS file format.
ClassSaveOptionsJp2 This class implements SaveOptions for the JP2 file format.
ClassSaveOptionsJpeg This class implements SaveOptions for the JPEG file format.
ClassSaveOptionsJpegXR This class implements SaveOptions for the JPEG-XR file format.
ClassSaveOptionsLjp This class implements the SaveOptions for the LJP file format.
ClassSaveOptionsModca This class implements the SaveOptions for the Modca file format.
ClassSaveOptionsPdf This class implements the SaveOptions for PDF files.
ClassSaveOptionsPic This class implements SaveOptions for the PIC (Pegasus Imaging Corporation) file format.
ClassSaveOptionsPng This class implements SaveOptions for the PNG file format.
ClassSaveOptionsTiff This class implements the SaveOptions for TIFF formats.
ClassSaveOptionsWsq Implements the SaveOptions for the WSQ file format.
ClassScrollbarVisibleChangedEventArgs This class implements event data for ScrollbarVisibleChanged events.
ClassScrollEventArgs This class implements event data for scroll events.
ClassSprite This class implements a temporary image area.
ClassToolbar This class implements toolbar functionality.
ClassToolbarCloseEventArgs This class contains information associated with a ToolbarCloseEvent.
ClassToolbarContextMenu This class implements the context menu associated with the ImagXpress toolbar.
ClassToolbarContextMenuEventArgs This class implements the event arguments for when a ToolbarContextMenuSelect event is fired.
ClassToolbarEventArgs This class implements event data for toolbar events.
ClassToolbarOpenEventArgs This class implements information associated with a ToolbarOpenEvent.
ClassToolEventArgs This class implements event data for tool events.
ClassTouch This class implements methods and properties for Windows Touch support.
ClassTwoFingerTapEventArgs This class implements event data for TwoFingerTap events.
ClassWorkerImports Summary description for WorkerImports.
ClassZoomFactorChangedEventArgs This class implements event data for ZoomFactorChanged events.
ClassZoomGestureOccurredEventArgs This class implements event data for ZoomGestureOccurred events.
ClassZoomGestureOccurringEventArgs This class implements event data for ZoomGestureOccurring events.
DelegateImageXView.AutoResizeChangedEventHandler A handler for the auto resize changed event.
DelegateImageXView.FlickEventHandler A handler for the flick event.
DelegateImageXView.PaintImageEventHandler A handler for the paint event.
DelegateImageXView.PanGestureOccurredEventHandler A handler for the pan gesture occurred event.
DelegateImageXView.PanGestureOccurringEventHandler A handler for the pan gesture occurring event.
DelegateImageXView.PressAndHoldEventHandler A handler for the press and hold event.
DelegateImageXView.PressAndTapEventHandler A handler for the press and tap event.
DelegateImageXView.PrintImageEventHandler Handler for the print image event.
DelegateImageXView.ResizedEventHandler A handler for the resized event.
DelegateImageXView.RotationGestureOccurredEventHandler A handler for the rotation gesture occurred event.
DelegateImageXView.RotationGestureOccurringEventHandler A handler for the rotation gesture occurring event.
DelegateImageXView.ScrollbarVisibleChangedEventHandler Fires when the scrollbar visible changed event occurs.
DelegateImageXView.ScrollEventHandler A handler for the scroll event.
DelegateImageXView.ToolbarCloseEventHandler Handler for the toolbar close event.
DelegateImageXView.ToolbarContextMenuSelectEventHandler A handler for the toolbar context menu select event.
DelegateImageXView.ToolbarEventHandler Handler for the toolbar event.
DelegateImageXView.ToolbarOpenEventHandler Handler for the toolbar open event.
DelegateImageXView.ToolEventHandler Handler for the tool event.
DelegateImageXView.TwoFingerTapEventHandler A handler for the two finger tap event.
DelegateImageXView.ZoomFactorChangedEventHandler A handler for the zoom factor event.
DelegateImageXView.ZoomGestureOccurredEventHandler A handler for the zoom gesture occurred event.
DelegateImageXView.ZoomGestureOccurringEventHandler A handler for the zoom gesture occurring event.
DelegateImagXpress.ImageStatusEventHandler Fires when there are image status events.
DelegateImagXpress.ProgressEventHandler Fires when there is a progress event.
DelegateProcessor.ProgressEventHandler A handler for the progress events.
EnumerationAdjustType Option values used to indicate the adjustment type.
EnumerationAlignHorizontal Option values indicating the horizontal alignment setting.
EnumerationAlignVertical Option values indicating the vertical alignment setting.
EnumerationAreaRegionOption Option values which determine the area and region settings.
EnumerationAutoResizeType Option values for use with the ImageXView.AutoResize property.
EnumerationBinarizeBlur Option values used to determine what type of blur functionality to use during the Processor.Binarize method.
EnumerationBinarizeMode Option values used to determine what Processor.Binarize functionality to use.
EnumerationBorderType Option values for use with the ImageXView.BorderType property.
EnumerationButtonStyle Option values to indicate button display style.
EnumerationByteOrder Option values used to specify the TIFF file byte order.
EnumerationCadFileType Option values which determine the CAD file type.
EnumerationCadUnit Option values which determine the CAD (Computer Aided Design) units of measure.
EnumerationCadVersion Option values which determine the CAD version.
EnumerationClipboardFormat Option values of possible formats to use with the clipboard.
EnumerationColorSpace Option values which designate the color space.
EnumerationCompression Option values which determine the image compression type.
EnumerationContrastMethod Option values used to determine which Processor.ContrastMethod property value to use.
EnumerationCropType Option values which indicate what type of crop to perform.
EnumerationDebugErrorLevel Option value which determine the error level of items to place into the debug log.
EnumerationDefectType Option values to indicate the defect type to process.
EnumerationDeskewType Option values to indicate deskew settings for image correction.
EnumerationDisplayMode Option values indicating the maximum color depth used to render an image.
EnumerationDitherType Option values used to determine the dither type to perform.
EnumerationEnhancementDirection Option values used to determine enhancement direction.
EnumerationEvaluationMode Option values that indicate ImagXpress behavior when installed on a development machine when in evaluation mode.
EnumerationFireGestureOccurringEvent Option values which determine the gestures events firing mode.
EnumerationFlickDirection Option values used to determine the direction of the flick TouchFlick event.
EnumerationFtpMode Option values used for FTP (File Transfer Protocol) mode.
EnumerationGifType Option values for GIF file format.
EnumerationGrayMode Option values to indicate the type of Gray Mode to utilize.
EnumerationImageStatus Option values which specify the status of an image.
EnumerationImageXFormat Option values which specify the file format.
EnumerationImageXPixelFormat Option values which determine the pixel formats currently being used.
EnumerationImageXViewBorderStyle Option values for use with the ImageXView.BorderStyle property.
EnumerationJbig2EncodeModeCompression Option values used to specify the encoding mode to use when creating the Jbig2 file.
EnumerationJbig2FileOrganization Option values used to specify the file organization of the Jbig2 bit stream.
EnumerationJoinType Option values used to determine what type of Processor.ColorJoin method to use.
EnumerationJp2Type Option values used to determine JP2 file types.
EnumerationJpegXRPostProcessFilter Open option filtering on JPEG-XR files, the strength specifies how aggressively the filtering is applied.
EnumerationJpegXRSubSampling Option values for subsampling type for a Jpeg-XR file format.
EnumerationLicenseStatus Options for the status of the license.
EnumerationLjpMethod Lossless Jpeg Compression Method
EnumerationLjpType Option values used to specify the type of compression used for saving a lossless JPEG file.
EnumerationLoadMode Option values used to indicate the LoadOptions.LoadMode property.
EnumerationMedicalPhotometricInterpretation Option values used to determines whether a zero in the image data is black or white.
EnumerationMergeSize An enumeration used to determine the area/size the merge image is to be.
EnumerationMergeStyle Option values used to specify the style of the merge.
EnumerationMouseWheelAction Option values used in determining what type of mouse wheel action to perform.
EnumerationMouseWheelAttribute Option values used to manipulate the mouse wheel.
EnumerationOperation Option values used in determining what type of image operation to perform.
EnumerationPaletteType Option values used to set the palette type of the Processor.ColorDepth method.
EnumerationParabolicType Option values used to determine the type of parabolic transform to perform.
EnumerationPerspectiveType Option values used to determine the type of perspective filter to apply.
EnumerationPhotometricInterpretation The PhotometricInterpretation of a TIFF image.
EnumerationPngFilter The filters available for PNG compression.
EnumerationPrintType Option values to determine the type of the print.
EnumerationProgressionOrder Option values used to determine the progression order of a JPEG 2000 file being saved.
EnumerationRedeyeGlare Option values used in the Processor.RemoveRedeye method.
EnumerationRedeyePrecision Option values used as parameters in the Processor.RemoveRedeye method.
EnumerationRedeyeShade Option values used as parameters in the Processor.RemoveRedeye method.
EnumerationRefreshMode Option values which determine the refresh mode for the ImageXView control.
EnumerationRegionType Option values that determine the type of shape a region takes.
EnumerationRenderIntent Option values for rendering colors by relative scale of spatial distnces, saturation, colors closest to inside values and distance to white point.
EnumerationResizeType Option values used to determine what type of resize method to perform.
EnumerationResolutionUnits Option values which determine the unit of measure for image reslution.
EnumerationResult Option values returned from image processing methods.
EnumerationRippleDirection Option values used with the Processor.Ripple method.
EnumerationRotateAngle Option values to determine what type of rotation, mirror, or image flipping functionality to invoke.
EnumerationSeparationType Option values used to determine what type of Processor.ColorSeparation functionality.
EnumerationSharpenFilter Option values used in determining which type of Sharpen Filter to use.
EnumerationShearType Option values used to determine the document shear direction.
EnumerationSoftenFilter Option values used in determining which type of Soften Filter to employ.
EnumerationSubSampling Option values for subsampling type for a JPEG, TIFF-JPEG or ePIC file format.
EnumerationTagTypes Option values which determine the type of TIFF tag.
EnumerationThumbnailSize Option values used to determine the thumbnail size.
EnumerationTool Option values used to determine the tool selected.
EnumerationToolAction Option values used to determine what type of tool event has occurred.
EnumerationToolAttribute Option values used to determine a tool's attribute value.
EnumerationToolbarIconSize Option values which determine the size of icons displayed in the toolbar.
EnumerationToolCursor Option values which determines the tool cursor to change.
EnumerationTouchMode Option values which determine the mode of Touch interface.
EnumerationTransformMode The transform mode of the JPEG Reduce operation.
EnumerationTranslateType Option values used in determing what type of translation to perform.
EnumerationTransparencyMatch Option values used to determine the type of TransparencyMatch property to invoke.
EnumerationTwistRotation Option values used in evaluating the rotation angle.
EnumerationUnsharpenFilter Option values used in determining what type of Processor.Unsharpen method to apply.
EnumerationWhiteBalanceMethod Type of white-balancing to apply to the image.
EnumerationZoomToFitType Option values to determine if the image fit is within the ImagXpress viewer control.

See Also


Accusoft.ImagXpress13.Net Assembly



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