

The ImagXpress® control has a built-in toolbar for selecting the built-in tools. The following properties, methods and events are for controlling the built-in toolbar.


ToolbarActivated Gets and sets whether the toolbar is created and ready for use.
ToolbarEnabled Gets or sets whether the toolbar is enabled.
ToolbarHeight Gets and sets the height (in number of icons) of the toolbar.
ToolbarHwnd Gets and sets the handle of the toolbar's window.
ToolbarVisible Gets and sets the toolbar's visibility state.
ToolbarWidth Gets and sets the width (in number of icons) of the toolbar.


ToolbarDeleteTool Deletes a tool's button from the toolbar.
ToolbarGetToolEnabled Gets a tool button's Enabled state in the toolbar.
ToolbarGetToolTip Gets the tool tip for a particular tool button in the toolbar.
ToolbarGetToolVisible Gets a tool button's Visibility state in the toolbar.
ToolbarSetToolEnabled Sets the tool button's Enabled state in the toolbar.
ToolbarSetToolTip Sets the tool tip for a particular tool button in the toolbar.
ToolbarSetToolVisible Sets a tool button's Visibility state in the toolbar.


ToolbarClose Raised when the toolbar is closed.
ToolbarOpen Raised when the toolbar is opened.
ToolbarSelect Raised when a tool selection is made.



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