Accusoft ImagXpress 13
enumFillStyle Enumeration
Specifies the pattern used to fill circles and boxes created with the DrawCircle, DrawLine and DrawPolygon graphics methods.
FILL_Cross6Cross fill pattern.
FILL_DiagonalCross7Diagonal cross fill pattern.
FILL_DownwardDiagonal4Downward diagonal fill pattern.
FILL_HorizontalLine2Horizontal line fill pattern.
FILL_Solid0Solid fill pattern.
FILL_Transparent1Transparent fill pattern.
FILL_UpwardDiagonal5Upward diagonal fill pattern.
FILL_VerticalLine3Vertical line fill pattern.

The default value is FILL_Transparent.

When DrawFillStyle is set to 1 (Transparent), the DrawFillColor property is ignored.

See Also

DrawFillStyle Property



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