AccusoftImagXpress13 ActiveX DLL > ImagXpress Object : MousePointerIsBuiltin Method |
Visual Basic |
Public Function MousePointerIsBuiltin( _ ByVal MousePointer As enumMousePointer _ ) As Boolean |
Value | Description |
MP_Arrow | Arrow. |
MP_ArrowHourglass | Arrow and Hourglass. |
MP_ArrowQuestion | Arrow and Question. |
MP_Boy | Boy. |
MP_BPush | Button Push. |
MP_Brush | Paint Brush. |
MP_CHand1 | Cup Hand #1. |
MP_CHand2 | Cup Hand #2. |
MP_Clock | Clock. |
MP_Cross | Cross (cross-hair pointer). |
MP_Custom | Custom Determined by the MouseIcon property. |
MP_Default | Shape is determined by the object. |
MP_Girl | Girl. |
MP_Hand1 | Hand #1. |
MP_Hand2 | Hand #2. |
MP_Hand3 | Hand #3. |
MP_Hand4 | Hand #4. |
MP_Hand5 | Hand #5. |
MP_Hand6 | Hand #6. |
MP_Hand7 | Hand #7. |
MP_Help1 | Help #1. |
MP_Help2 | Help #2. |
MP_Hourglass | Hourglass (wait). |
MP_IBeam | I-Beam. |
MP_Icon | Icon (small square within a square). |
MP_Key | Key. |
MP_Lightning | Lightning. |
MP_Magnify | Magnify. |
MP_Mouse | Mouse. |
MP_NoDrop1 | No Drop #1. |
MP_NoDrop2 | No Drop #2. |
MP_NoDrop3 | No Drop #3. |
MP_Pencil1 | Pencil #1. |
MP_Pencil2 | Pencil #2. |
MP_Phone | Phone. |
MP_Question1 | Question #1. |
MP_Question2 | Question #2. |
MP_Size | Size (four-pointed arrow pointing north, south, east, west). |
MP_SizeAll | Size All. |
MP_SizeEW | Size W E (double arrow pointing west and east). |
MP_SizeNESW | Size NE SW (double arrow pointing northeast and southwest). |
MP_SizeNS | Size N S (double arrow pointing north and south). |
MP_SizeNWSE | Size NW SE (double arrow pointing northwest and southeast). |
MP_ToolHandClose | Hand tool close. |
MP_ToolHandOpen | Hand tool open. |
MP_ToolMagnifier | Magnifier tool. |
MP_ToolPanE | Pan tool east. |
MP_ToolPanN | Pan tool north. |
MP_ToolPanNE | Pan tool northeast. |
MP_ToolPanNW | Pan tool northwest. |
MP_ToolPanS | Pan tool south. |
MP_ToolPanSE | Pan tool southeast. |
MP_ToolPanSW | Pan tool southwest. |
MP_ToolPanW | Pan tool west. |
MP_ToolPanX | Pan tool stationary. |
MP_ToolSelect | Select tool. |
MP_ToolZoomIn | Zoom-in tool. |
MP_ToolZoomOut | Zoom-out tool. |
MP_ToolZoomRect | Rectangular zoom tool. |
MP_UpArrow | Up Arrow. |
MP_Wand | Wand. |
ImagXpress Object | ImagXpress Members | Window and Control