Accusoft ImagXpress 13
LoadMode Property
Gets whether image data will be interpreted as a raw image format or a standard image format.
Property Type
Read-only property
Visual Basic
Public Property LoadMode As enumLoadMode
Return Type
An enumLoadMode value which determines the type of image format to interpret the data in.

When this property is set to Normal, the image is interpreted as having a standard image format, and image data will be captured from the image upon loading into ImagXpress.

This property is determined by the last call to the LoadRaw method.

When LoadMode is set to Raw, the image is interpreted as a raw image format when loading. The specific raw format is not detected automatically by ImagXpress. The application must specify additional information with the LoadRaw method to interpret the raw data.

Note: The Camera Raw format that the CameraRawEnabled property and this Raw format are not related and are independent.

See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members  | enumLoadMode Enumeration  | LoadRaw Method  | CameraRawEnabled Property  | Loading  | LoadRaw category



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