AccusoftImagXpress13 ActiveX DLL > ImagXpress Object : CB Event |
Visual Basic |
Public Event CB( _ ByVal ID As Integer, _ ByVal CBID As enumIXEVENT_CB_ID _ ) |
Value | Description |
CBID_CLOSE | The decompressor completed decompressing the data and is notifying the user to perform any clean-up such as file closing, etc. |
CBID_OPEN | User should open data sources and do any memory allocation/initialization to this. |
CBID_READ | The decompressor is requesting more data, which the user should supply through the WriteCBData and WriteCBDataPtr methods. |
For read events, return non-zero values as long as there is more data available. When all the data has been presented, return zero to signal the load process to finish.
Note: If the CBID_READ event is issued after a call to WriteCBData or WriteCBDataPtr with a data length of 0, then additional calls to WriteCBData or WriteCBDataPtr with a data length of 0 may be necessary.