Accusoft ImagXpress 13
IX_Result Enumeration

Specifies the return values for all properties and methods.

PDF support is deprecated in ImagXpress; instead, please use PDF Xpress for PDF support.

IX_Error_BadAngle-1016The operation failed because an invalid angle was specified.
IX_Error_BadRadius-1017The operation failed because an invalid radius was specified.
IX_Error_BufferAccessTimeout-1043Unable to access image buffer.
IX_Error_CadFileOpenNotCalled-1066Operation not valid unless CadFileOpen is first called.
IX_Error_Canceled-1010Image load or decompression was canceled.
IX_Error_CaptureFailed-1021Capture failed.
IX_Error_ClipboardCopy-1014Error copying image to the clipboard.
IX_Error_ClipboardPaste-1013Error pasting from clipboard.
IX_Error_CreateFile-1005Cannot create file.
IX_Error_EventResponse-1044Event handler error.
IX_Error_FileOpen-1000Cannot find or cannot open the image file.
IX_Error_FileRead-1003Error reading the file either due to an I/O issue or an issue with decompressing the image.
IX_Error_FileWrite-1006Error writing file.
IX_Error_FormatUnknown-1001The image file type is unknown or unable to read the image file type.
IX_Error_FTP-1048FTP error.
IX_Error_ICMNotEnabled-1057Image color management not enabled.
IX_Error_ImageAccessTimeout-1038Unable to access requested image.
IX_Error_ImageHasTasksPending-1046Tasks in process must complete.
IX_Error_InternalFailure-1042Internal failure.
IX_Error_InternetHTTPNoConnection-1054No Internet connection.
IX_Error_InternetHTTPtoHTTPsOnRedirect-1053Invalid HTTP to HTTPS redirect.
IX_Error_InternetInValidCA-1049Invalid Internet certificate.
IX_Error_InternetPostIsNonSecure-1050Invalid post to unsecure HTTP address.
IX_Error_InternetSecurityCertificateCNInvalid-1051Invalid security certificate.
IX_Error_InternetSecurityCertificateDateInvalid-1052Invalid security certificate date.
IX_Error_InvalidAreaOrRegion-1035Invalid region or area.
IX_Error_InvalidBitDepth-1063Invalid bit depth error.
IX_Error_InvalidCrop-1018Loading an image failed because the LoadCropEnabled property was set and one of the LoadCrop properties was out of range for the specified image. Also returned if the Crop method parameters are out of range.
IX_Error_InvalidFileName-1020Invalid file name.
IX_Error_InvalidFormat-1008Invalid image format.
IX_Error_InvalidHandle-1033Invalid window handle.
IX_Error_InvalidICMProfile-1055Invalid image color management profile.
IX_Error_InvalidImageId-1036Invalid image ID.
IX_Error_InvalidLicense-1022Invalid License. Attempting to access functionality that is not covered under the license in effect.
IX_Error_InvalidOption-1009Invalid option.
IX_Error_InvalidPage-1069Invalid page number; the page does not exist.
IX_Error_InvalidPaletteFile-1011Invalid palette file.
IX_Error_InvalidPicPassword-1015Attempting to read a password protected PIC file and the password in the Password property does not match the password in the file.
IX_Error_InvalidPointer-1034Invalid pointer.
IX_Error_InvalidPropertyValue-1019Invalid property value.
IX_Error_InvalidScratchLinePoints-1071Scratch starting and ending points cannot be the same.
IX_Error_InvalidUserSpecifiedRawData-1070Invalid Raw data.
IX_Error_InvalidWebIntegratorLicense-1024Invalid web license.
IX_Error_JpegCommentAddFailure-1030Unable to add a JPEG comment.
IX_Error_JpegCommentNotFound-1029JPEG comment not found. The requested comment does not exist.
IX_Error_LoadLibraryFailForWinInet-1047Library failed to load.
IX_Error_LoadWatermarkImage-1026Unable to load watermark image.
IX_Error_MemoryAlloc-1004Cannot allocate memory for the image.
IX_Error_MemoryLock-1002Cannot lock memory.
IX_Error_MissingOrBadCMYKProfile-1056CMYK profile missing or corrupt.
IX_Error_NoCurrentBuffer-1037No current image buffer found.
IX_Error_NoImage-1007The operation failed because the control does not have an image.
IX_Error_NoLicense-1023License not found.
IX_Error_None0No error.
IX_Error_NoResources-1058Image capture failed.
IX_Error_NoWindow-1028No Window Handle.
IX_Error_OperationNotApplicableForRawImages-1041Invalid image operation on RAW image formats.
IX_Error_OperationNotApplicableForVirtualImages-1065Operation not applicable for virtual images error.
IX_Error_PaletteIndexOutOfRange-1012Specified palette index does not lie within the number of palette entries for the current image.
IX_Error_PrintNotSupported-1059Printer does not support the StretchDIBits API function.
IX_Error_PrintOutOfRange-1060Cannot print outside the valid printer area.
IX_Error_ResumeThreadFailure-1039Resume thread failure.
IX_Error_Shutdown-1040Windows is shutting down.
IX_Error_TagAdd-1061Unable to add tag.
IX_Error_TagItemNotFound-1032Tag item not found.
IX_Error_TagModify-1067Unable to modify a tag or tags.
IX_Error_TagNotFound-1031Tag not found.
IX_Error_ThreadCreation-1045Unable to create thread.
IX_Error_UnableToCreateThumbnail-1068Unable to create the thumbnail because it was either too large or unsupported for the bit depth.
IX_Error_UnableToCrop-1027Unable to Crop.
IX_Error_UnableToGetAnnotations-1064Unable to get annotations error.
IX_Error_UnsupportedPDF-1062Unsupported PDF error.
IX_Ok0No error.
See Also

ImagError Property



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