Alpha Channels


ImagXpress® contains the ability to add or remove alpha channel information to an image. The following properties and methods are for handling the alpha channel in images.


LoadAlphaChannel Gets and sets whether alpha channel data is loaded with the image.
ViewAlphaBlend Gets and sets whether alpha blending an image to the background of the control when an alpha channel is present in the image.


 AlphaAdd Adds an alpha channel to an image.
 AlphaFill Fills the alpha channel with the value specified.
 AlphaFlatten A 32 bit image with an alpha channel (ARGB) will be merged with (alpha channel applied to) the specified color, resulting in a blended 24 bit RGB image.
 AlphaGet Gets the alpha value at a specified location in the image.
 AlphaInvert Invert the alpha values throughout the current image, region, or area.
 AlphaRemove Removes alpha channel data from a 32 bit image.
 AlphaReturn Returns a handle to an 8 bit gray scale image depicting the alpha channel data.
 AlphaSet Set an alpha value at a specified location in the image.
See Also

Modify the DIB



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