Accusoft ImagXpress 13
enumLoadRotated Enumeration
Specifies the rotation (if any) applied to an image as it is loaded.
LR_180DEGREES2Image is rotated 180 degrees.
LR_270DEGREES3Image is rotated 270 degrees counterclockwise.
LR_270DEGREES_FLIP7Flip 270 degrees.
LR_90DEGREES1Image is rotated 90 degrees counterclockwise.
LR_90DEGREES_FLIP6Flip 90 degrees.
LR_FLIP4Image is flipped.
LR_MIRROR5Image is mirrored.
LR_NONE0No rotation.

The LoadRotated operation is a faster alternative to invoking the Rotate Method after the FileName Property.

Note: When combining actions, it is important to perform them in order:

  1. LoadCrop
  2. LoadResize  
  3. LoadRotate
See Also

LoadRotated Property  | Loading



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