Accusoft ImagXpress 13
enumAutoSize Enumeration
Specifies the type of sizing applied in the AutoSize property.
ISIZE_BestFit4The image is resized to fit the control and the aspect ratio is preserved.
ISIZE_CropImage5The image is cropped to the control size. Note: if the control size is larger than the image, the control will not be resized to the image.
ISIZE_CropImageToControl0The image is cropped to the control size. Note: if the control size is larger than the image, the control will be resized to the image.
ISIZE_FitHeight7Resize image to fit image height within viewer control.
ISIZE_FitWidth6Resize image to fit image width within viewer control.
ISIZE_ResizeControl1The control is resized to fit the image.
ISIZE_ResizeImage2The image is resized to fit the control.
ISIZE_TileImage3The image is tiled to fit the control.
The default value is ISIZE_CropImage (5).
See Also

AutoSize Property  | AutoSizeChanged Event  | Viewing



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