Accusoft ImagXpress 13
RGBColorCountV Method
A variant representing a 256 element array of long values to receive the count of red values.
A variant representing a 256 element array of long values to receive the count of green values.
A variant representing a 256 element array of long values to receive the count of blue values.
Returns three variants, each containing 256 elements, which equate to a count of the red, green, and blue color intensities of the image.
Visual Basic
Public Sub RGBColorCountV( _
   ByRef Red As Variant, _
   ByRef Green As Variant, _
   ByRef Blue As Variant _
A variant representing a 256 element array of long values to receive the count of red values.
A variant representing a 256 element array of long values to receive the count of green values.
A variant representing a 256 element array of long values to receive the count of blue values.
The array sets contain a histogram of intensity values for each of the red, green, and blue components of the current image.
Dim RedV As Variant
Dim GreenV As Variant
Dim BlueV As Variant
Dim Red(256) As Long
Dim Green(256) As Long
Dim Blue(256) As Long
RedV = Red
GreenV = Green
BlueV = Blue
ImagXpress1.RGBColorCountV RedV, GreenV, BlueV
See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members



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