AccusoftImagXpress13 ActiveX DLL > ImagXpress Object : RemoveRedeye Method |
Visual Basic |
Public Sub RemoveRedeye( _ ByVal IPRedeyePrecision As enumRedeyePrecision, _ ByVal IPRedeyeShade As enumEyeShade, _ ByVal IPRedeyeGlare As enumEyeGlare _ ) |
Value | Description |
RedeyeImprecise1 | Search the region for the specified red pixels. |
RedeyeImprecise2 | Search the region for the specified red pixels. Use this value if the subject's face has a rosy complexion. |
RedeyePrecise | Use the precise region to reduce the red color. |
Value | Description |
EyeShadeDark | Dark eye shading. |
EyeShadeLight | Light eye shading. |
EyeShadeNormal | Normal shade. |
Value | Description |
EyeGlareFull | Strong image glare. |
EyeGlareNone | No glare. |
EyeGlareSlight | Slight image glare. |
Prior to calling RemoveRedeye, an Area must be set, using the Area method.
Note: Available in Professional Edition.