Accusoft ImagXpress 13
DocumentErode Method

The distance to reduce the black pixels.

Range: 1 - 500

Default: 1

ImagXpress does not throw an exception when the range exceeds the image size. Using a value larger than the image is not "wrong", but it is a little strange. Usually select ranges that are not dependent on other inputs (like the image size).

Direction to apply the erosion. Removes black pixels in this direction. Typically, this is set to a single direction, a pair of directions, or all directions.

Default: EnhancementDirectionAll

Removes the black pixels in the current image by the given amount in the given direction.
Visual Basic
Public Sub DocumentErode( _
   ByVal Amount As Integer, _
   ByVal Direction As enumEnhancementDirection _

The distance to reduce the black pixels.

Range: 1 - 500

Default: 1

ImagXpress does not throw an exception when the range exceeds the image size. Using a value larger than the image is not "wrong", but it is a little strange. Usually select ranges that are not dependent on other inputs (like the image size).

EnhancementDirectionAllEnhance all directions.
EnhancementDirectionDownEnhance down.
EnhancementDirectionLeftEnhance left.
EnhancementDirectionLeftDownEnhance left and down.
EnhancementDirectionLeftDownBothEnhance left, down, and diagonally left down.
EnhancementDirectionLeftUpEnhance left and up.
EnhancementDirectionLeftUpBothEnhance left, up, and diagonally left up.
EnhancementDirectionRightEnhance right.
EnhancementDirectionRightDownEnhance right and down.
EnhancementDirectionRightDownBothEnhance right, down, and diagonally right down.
EnhancementDirectionRightUpEnhance right and up.
EnhancementDirectionRightUpBothEnhance right, up, and diagonally right up.
EnhancementDirectionUpEnhance up.

Direction to apply the erosion. Removes black pixels in this direction. Typically, this is set to a single direction, a pair of directions, or all directions.

Default: EnhancementDirectionAll


Erosion is the process of removing the specified number of black pixels from the existing black pixels on the specified edge or edges of an image.




Using DocumentErode

1. Load a 1 bit image from a file or stream input.

2. Call DocumentErode.

3. The current image is eroded.


Note: Available in Professional Edition.

See Also

ImagXpress Object  | ImagXpress Members  | enumEnhancementDirection Enumeration  | IPImageWasModified Property  | Document Image Processing  | Image Processing



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