Image Buffering
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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > Image Category > Image Buffering

Glossary Item Box


This category contains all of the properties, methods and events related to information about an image's memory or image buffer.


AutoAssignID Gets and sets whether automatic image buffer ID assignment option is enabled.
AutoClose Gets and sets whether the image buffer, that the control is using, is automatically closed when the control is destroyed.
CompressInMemory Gets and sets if the image data in memory is compressed.
hDIB Gets and sets an image from a device independent bitmap.
hDIBUndo Gets the handle to the current undo device independent bitmap.
OwnDIB Gets and sets whether or not the ImagXpress control owns the DIB after getting or setting the hDIB property.
ProcessImageID Gets and sets the active image ID for all loading, saving and image processing operations that the user chooses.
ProcessStatus Gets and sets the status of the current process buffer.
UndoEnabled Gets and sets whether there is an undo image present for the Undo method to undo the results of an image processing method.
ViewImageID Gets and sets the image ID for the image to display in the view.
ViewStatus Gets and sets the status of the current view image buffer.


AssignDIB Assigns the DIB from the control to a receiver and removes the DIB from the control.
CloseImage Closes the specified image and frees up associated resources.
CopyDIB Creates a copy of the current DIB.
CopyImage Copies an image from a specified image buffer to the current processor image buffer.
GetImageHnd Gets the global handle of the image associated with the image buffer.
GetUniqueImageID Gets a long integer that represents a unique image buffer that is currently not already in use.
ImageStatus Returns the current status for a specified image buffer.
IsValid Returns whether or not the supplied image buffer ID has been allocated from the image buffer manager.
ToHBitmap Gets a handle to a device dependent bitmap for the image.
Undo Undo the action of the previous image processing method if the UndoEnabled property was set True prior to performing the method.


ImageStatusChanged Raised when image status has changed.

See Also

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