CAD Format
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ImagXpress 12 for ActiveX - API Reference > Properties, Methods & Events by Category > File Format Specific > CAD Format

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ImagXpress® can read in a CAD file, however it can not write a CAD file. The following properties and methods are for reading in a CAD file.


CadLayoutToRender Gets and sets the CAD layout to render.
CadPaperBitDepth Gets and sets the CAD paper bit depth.
CadPaperHeight Gets and sets the CAD paper height.
CadPaperResolutionUnits Gets and sets the paper resolution units for CAD images.
CadPaperResolutionX Gets and sets the CAD paper x-coordinate resolution.
CadPaperResolutionY Gets and sets the CAD paper y-coordinate resolution value.
CadPaperWidth Gets and sets the CAD paper width.


CadClose Closes the CAD file.
CadLayerEnableView Enables or disables viewing a particular CAD layer.
CadOpen Opens the CAD file for repeated renderings of differently selected layers and layouts.
CadView Changes the CAD file view.
QueryCadFormat Query the CAD format with the given attributes.
QueryCadLayer Query the CAD layer with the given attributes.
QueryCadLayout Query the CAD layout with the given attributes.
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