Accusoft ISIS Xpress 7
ISX_Errors Enumeration
Option value for error numbers and error descriptions for the various errors that can occur.
ISX_SCANERR_BADINDEX10002Index out of range. An invalid index was used with the SettingLong or SettingString property arrays. The index parameter must be in the range of 0 to ListCount 1.
ISX_SCANERR_BADLENGTH10003String too long. An invalid scanner name was assigned to the ScannerName property.
ISX_SCANERR_BADSCHEMA10006Invalid filename schema. An invalid schema was set for the FileSchema property.
ISX_SCANERR_BADVALUE10005Invalid scanner setting value. An invalid value was assigned to a scanner setting. Every scanner has a different set of legal values for its setting. These values, or choices, can be queried using the appropriate choice properties to insure that a value is legal before it is assigned.
ISX_SCANERR_CANCEL10009Cancel performed. The cancel method was called to stop scanning.
ISX_SCANERR_GENERAL10100Generic ISIS Error. A nonspecific error occurred.
ISX_SCANERR_INI10008Ini File error. An error occurred either reading or writing the current settings to an ini file.
ISX_SCANERR_NODIB10010No DIB available. There was no DIB currently created and available.
ISX_SCANERR_NOLICENSE10016No License. No valid license was found for ISIS Xpress.
ISX_SCANERR_NOSCANNER10001No scanner is loaded. No scanner driver is currently loaded. Many ISIS Xpress properties and methods require a scanner to be loaded before they can be used. ISIS Xpress tries to load the default scanner when the control is first loaded, and will load a new driver when the ScannerName or ScannerSelect property is set.
ISX_SCANERR_NOTAVAIL10007Setting not available. A property was queried or set that is not available for a particular setting. For example, if the ScanSetting property is set to ISX_PageSize, the RangeMinimumLong property will return this error. For this property, the SettingString property must be used.
ISX_SCANERR_OUTOFMEMORY10004Out of memory. ISIS Xpress could not allocate enough memory to perform the desired operation.
ISX_SCANERR_PIX10000ISIS driver error. An error occurred when communicating with the ISIS scanner driver. If the RaiseError property is false, check the ErrorNumber and ErrorDescription properties for extended information that may be returned from the driver.
ISX_SCANERR_SAVETYPE10015Save Type. There was a problem with the save type.
ISX_SCANERR_SEQ10014Sequence Error. An action was performed that is invalid at this time. For instance, calling ScanBatch or ScanSingle methods while the scanner is already scanning.
ISX_SCANERR_WIN9510017Will not run on Windows 95. ISIS Xpress will not run on Windows 95.
If the RaiseExceptions Property is set to true, ISIS Xpress will throw COM Exceptions which contain the error code and error description. If the RaiseExceptions Property is set to false, ISIS Xpress will provide error codes through the ErrorCode Property and the error description through the ErrorDescription Property.



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