Accusoft.ISISXpressSdk Namespace
Inheritance Hierarchy
ClassCancelException This class implements the CancelExceptions to throw when a cancel is performed.
ClassConfigFileException This class implements the ConfigFileExceptions to throw when there is a problem with the configuration file.
ClassDibUnavailableException This class implements the DibUnavailableExceptions to throw when the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) is not available.
ClassDriverAndScanner This class is the element type of the DriverAndScannerList class. It holds a DriverName and ScannerModel available for use in ISISXpress.
ClassDriverAndScannerList This class implements a list of available ISIS drivers and scanner models.
ClassFeederEmptyEventArgs This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.FeederEmpty event.
ClassGeneralIsisException This class implements the GeneralIsisExceptions thrown when there is a general ISIS issue.
ClassInvalidLicenseException This class implements the InvalidLicenseExceptions thrown when the license key is invalid.
ClassInvalidSchemaException This class implements the InvalidSchemaExceptions when the filename schema is invalid.
ClassInvalidSettingException This class implements the InvalidSettingExceptions when there is an invalid scanner setting.
ClassIsisDriverException This class implements ISIS driver exceptions.
ClassIsisXpress This class is the main controller for the ISIS Xpress component.
ClassIsisXpressLibraryException This class implements application exceptions.
ClassLicensing This class implements the licensing for the ISIS Xpress component.
ClassOutOfMemoryException This class implements the OutOfMemoryExceptions to be thrown when there is not enough memory available.
ClassOutOfRangeException This class implements the OutOfRangeExceptions when a parameter or index is out of range.
ClassOutput This class implemented how scanned images are saved.
ClassProgressEventArgs This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.Progress event.
ClassRationalType This class implements a rational number with the numerator and denominator stored in their normal form.
ClassSaveTypeException This class implements the SaveTypeExceptions to throw when there is a problem with the save type.
ClassScannedEventArgs This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.Scanned event.
ClassScanner This class implements the specific Scanner settings, methods and properties.
ClassScannerLoadedException This class implements the ScannerLoadedExceptions.
ClassScanningEventArgs This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.Scanning event.
ClassSequenceException This class implements the SequenceExceptions to throw when there is a sequence problem.
ClassSetting This class implements the scanner settings.
ClassSettingUnavailableException This class implements the SettingUnavailableException to throw when the setting is not available.
ClassStringTooLongException This class implements the StringToolLongExceptions when the string is too long.
DelegateIsisXpress.FeederEmptyEventHandler Indicates that the scanner feeder is empty.
DelegateIsisXpress.ProgressEventHandler Indicates how much of the scan has completed. If the Scanner.UseCompression property is true then the Progress event is not fired during the scan.
DelegateIsisXpress.ScannedEventHandler Fired after a scan to allow the user to check or set the Output.ToHdib property.
DelegateIsisXpress.ScanningEventHandler Fired before a scan to allow the user to check or modify the Output.Filename property.
EnumerationDataTypeInfo Option values for the data type the information is encoded in for the current scanner setting.
EnumerationErrorLevelInfo Option values to set the error level to use.
EnumerationEvaluationChoice Option values for licensing the evaluation version within the component.
EnumerationFileTypeInfo Option values for the file format to use when saving images.
EnumerationScanAhead Option values for determining the scan ahead settings.
EnumerationScanSettingInfo Option values for determining which scanner setting to query or set.
EnumerationSetupOptions Option values to modify what is displayed by the predefined scanner settings dialog.
EnumerationSource Option values to set the scanning source information.
See Also


Accusoft.ISISXpress7.Net Assembly



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