Class | Description | |
CancelException | This class implements the CancelExceptions to throw when a cancel is performed. | |
ConfigFileException | This class implements the ConfigFileExceptions to throw when there is a problem with the configuration file. | |
DibUnavailableException | This class implements the DibUnavailableExceptions to throw when the DIB (Device Independent Bitmap) is not available. | |
DriverAndScanner | This class is the element type of the DriverAndScannerList class. It holds a DriverName and ScannerModel available for use in ISISXpress. | |
DriverAndScannerList | This class implements a list of available ISIS drivers and scanner models. | |
FeederEmptyEventArgs | This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.FeederEmpty event. | |
GeneralIsisException | This class implements the GeneralIsisExceptions thrown when there is a general ISIS issue. | |
InvalidLicenseException | This class implements the InvalidLicenseExceptions thrown when the license key is invalid. | |
InvalidSchemaException | This class implements the InvalidSchemaExceptions when the filename schema is invalid. | |
InvalidSettingException | This class implements the InvalidSettingExceptions when there is an invalid scanner setting. | |
IsisDriverException | This class implements ISIS driver exceptions. | |
IsisXpress | This class is the main controller for the ISIS Xpress component. | |
IsisXpressLibraryException | This class implements application exceptions. | |
Licensing | This class implements the licensing for the ISIS Xpress component. | |
OutOfMemoryException | This class implements the OutOfMemoryExceptions to be thrown when there is not enough memory available. | |
OutOfRangeException | This class implements the OutOfRangeExceptions when a parameter or index is out of range. | |
Output | This class implemented how scanned images are saved. | |
ProgressEventArgs | This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.Progress event. | |
RationalType | This class implements a rational number with the numerator and denominator stored in their normal form. | |
SaveTypeException | This class implements the SaveTypeExceptions to throw when there is a problem with the save type. | |
ScannedEventArgs | This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.Scanned event. | |
Scanner | This class implements the specific Scanner settings, methods and properties. | |
ScannerLoadedException | This class implements the ScannerLoadedExceptions. | |
ScanningEventArgs | This class implements the event arguments for the IsisXpress.Scanning event. | |
SequenceException | This class implements the SequenceExceptions to throw when there is a sequence problem. | |
Setting | This class implements the scanner settings. | |
SettingUnavailableException | This class implements the SettingUnavailableException to throw when the setting is not available. | |
StringTooLongException | This class implements the StringToolLongExceptions when the string is too long. |
Delegate | Description | |
IsisXpress.FeederEmptyEventHandler | Indicates that the scanner feeder is empty. | |
IsisXpress.ProgressEventHandler | Indicates how much of the scan has completed. If the Scanner.UseCompression property is true then the Progress event is not fired during the scan. | |
IsisXpress.ScannedEventHandler | Fired after a scan to allow the user to check or set the Output.ToHdib property. | |
IsisXpress.ScanningEventHandler | Fired before a scan to allow the user to check or modify the Output.Filename property. |
Enumeration | Description | |
DataTypeInfo | Option values for the data type the information is encoded in for the current scanner setting. | |
ErrorLevelInfo | Option values to set the error level to use. | |
EvaluationChoice | Option values for licensing the evaluation version within the component. | |
FileTypeInfo | Option values for the file format to use when saving images. | |
ScanAhead | Option values for determining the scan ahead settings. | |
ScanSettingInfo | Option values for determining which scanner setting to query or set. | |
SetupOptions | Option values to modify what is displayed by the predefined scanner settings dialog. | |
Source | Option values to set the scanning source information. |