Scanner Class Members
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Accusoft.ISISXpressSdk Namespace : Scanner Class

Glossary Item Box

The following tables list the members exposed by Scanner.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorScanner ConstructorThe main constructor for the Scanner class which passes in an instance ID.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyDriverDirectoryGets and sets the location of the ISIS driver files.  
Public PropertyDriverDirectoryDefaultGets the default location of the ISIS driver files.  
Public PropertyDriverLoadedGets an indicator if the scanner driver is loaded.  
Public PropertyNameGets and sets the name of the scanner driver.  
Public PropertySettingGets the current scanner settings.  
Public PropertyUseCompressionGets and sets an indicator to enable hardware compression if the scanner supports it.  
Public PropertyUsingNetworkedScannerGets and sets whether a networked scanner is used.  

Public Methods

Public MethodCancelOverloaded. Cancels the scanning process.  
Public MethodClearScanAheadPagesClears the scanner's buffers of any scanned in ahead pages.  
Public MethodGetConnectedDriversAndScannerModelsGets a list of connected ISIS drivers and scanner models and places them in the given driverAndScannerList object.  
Public MethodGetDriversAndScannerModelsGets a list of available ISIS drivers and scanner models and places them in the given driverAndScannerList object.  
Public MethodLoadDriverPreloads the ISIS drivers used for scanning and saving an image.  
Public MethodLoadSettingsLoads the settings for the current scanner from an .ini file.  
Public MethodSaveSettingsSaves the settings for the current scanner to an .ini file.  
Public MethodScanBatchStarts a batch scan process.  
Public MethodScanSingleScans a single page and stores it in the file specified in the Filename property. A single page is a defined as one side of a page, in a single bit depth. If multi stream is enabled this call will only pull in one part of the image for each time it is called.  
Public MethodSelectOverloaded. Displays a predefined dialog box that allows the user to choose a scanner, add a scanner, or configure a scanner.  
Public MethodSelectConnectedOverloaded. Displays a predefined dialog box that allows the user to choose a connected scanner, add a scanner, or configure a scanner.  
Public MethodSetupOverloaded. Displays a pre-defined dialog that allows the user to change driver specific scanner settings.  
Public MethodUnloadUnloads the current scanner driver.  

See Also

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