Accusoft.Forms1 - Updated
NewFormFilenameSuffix Property

Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk Namespace > FormSetFile Class : NewFormFilenameSuffix Property
A string appended to all new form definition filenames.
Public Property NewFormFilenameSuffix As String
Dim instance As FormSetFile
Dim value As String
instance.NewFormFilenameSuffix = value
value = instance.NewFormFilenameSuffix
public string NewFormFilenameSuffix {get; set;}
property String^ NewFormFilenameSuffix {
   String^ get();
   void set (    String^ value);

Whenever you call the CreateNewForm method, it will create a name for a new form definition file, based on this property and the NewFormFilenamePrefix property.

The new name will begin with the value of the NewFormFilenamePrefix property, followed by a 4 to 10 digit number, followed by the value of this property. CreateNewForm will pick a number that makes the filename unique. This property will normally contain a period and an extension

Valid value: Any string that will become a valid relative or absolute filename when CreateNewForm prefixes the value of the NewFormFilenamePrefix property and a number to it.

Default value: ".frs"

See Also


FormSetFile Class
FormSetFile Members
NewFormFilenamePrefix Property
CreateNewForm Method