FormSuite v6.0 - Updated
NuGet Packages
Getting Started > NuGet Packages
This topic provides information about the following:

What are NuGet Packages?

NuGet is the package manager for the Microsoft development platform that includes .NET. NuGet packages make it easy to add, remove, and update libraries and tools in Visual Studio projects that use the .NET Framework.

To read more about NuGet, please visit

Installing NuGet

The NuGet package manager is installed with Visual Studio, since version 2012.

Windows NuGet command line instruction for installation can be found at

FormSuite Component NuGet Packages

Package dependencies are automatically handled.

The FormSuite .Net NuGet package has dependencies on FormsAPI NuGet package, which in turn has dependencies on each of the FormSuite components, i.e. Forms API, FormDirector, FormFix, ScanFix, SmartZone ICR, and SmartZone OCR.

The FormSuite .Net NuGet package also has dependencies on Accusoft's ImagXpress, NotateXpress and PdfXpress NuGet packages, which may be used to facilitate image loading and annotation, but which are not necessary to work with FormSuite. If you do not need these in your project, you can directly include the FormsAPI NuGet package instead. Licenses for these packages are included in the FormSuite license.

Including either the FormSuite .Net package or the FormsAPI NuGet package in your project will automatically include all of the components as well.

Package Id Description Assemblies Package Dependencies
Accusoft.FormSuite.Net Convenient metapackage that pulls in all FormSuite components, as well as Accusoft's ImagXpress, NotateXpress and PdfXpress NuGet packages None .NETFramework, Version=4.0
Accusoft.FormsAPI.Net The Forms API component contains all the necessary objects, methods, and properties it takes for you to perform high-level forms processing with an easy to use API. Accusoft.FormsAPI.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=4.0
Accusoft.FormDirector.Net The FormDirector™ component contains all the necessary objects, methods, and properties it takes for you to integrate various Accusoft components into a robust forms-processing product. Accusoft.FormDirector.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=3.5
Accusoft.FormFix.Net The FormFix™ component contains all the necessary objects, methods, and properties it takes for you to speed the application development process of structured forms processing systems. Accusoft.FormFix.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=3.5
Accusoft.ScanFixXpress.Net The ScanFix Xpress™ component contains all the necessary objects, methods, and properties it takes for you to improve image quality and increase content recognition accuracy by applying image processing and enhancements to color, grayscale, and black and white images.


.NETFramework, Version=3.5

This package contains all dependencies you need to use both SmartZone OCR and SmartZone ICR.

The SmartZone™ OCR component performs OCR recognition in user defined areas of interest (i.e. zones) or full page. SmartZone™ OCR can be easily integrated with other Accusoft components into a robust forms-processing product.

The SmartZone™ ICR component contains all the necessary objects, methods, and properties it takes for you to perform high accuracy zonal and full page ICR recognition.

Requires NuGet 2.5 or higher.

None .NETFramework, Version=3.5
Accusoft.SmartZoneICR.Net The SmartZone™ ICR component contains all the necessary objects, methods, and properties it takes for you to perform high accuracy zonal and full page ICR recognition. Accusoft.SmartZoneICR.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=3.5
Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net SmartZone™ OCR performs OCR recognition in user defined areas of interest (i.e zones) or full page. SmartZone OCR can be easily integrated with other Accusoft components into a robust forms-processing product. Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=3.5
Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win (>= 6.x.x)

SmartZone language resources (win-x86, win-x64).

None None
Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Asian.Win SmartZone Asian language resources (win-x86, win-x64). None Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win
Accusoft.ImagXpress13.Net The ImagXpress® Component is the flagship of the ImagXpress Product Family, offering the core imaging functionality of compression, decompression, viewing, and processing. Accusoft.ImagXpress13.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=2.0
Accusoft.NotateXpress13.Net NotateXpress™ is an invisible-at-runtime (windowless) control that adds powerful annotation functionality to the Accusoft ImagXpress component. NotateXpress enables annotation capability both programmatically and through application end-user interaction. Accusoft.NotateXpress13.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=2.0
Accusoft.PdfXpress7.Net PDF Xpress™ is a powerful control that enables the user to build applications supporting PDF file creation, editing, and viewing using licensed Adobe® technology. It is used to create PDF documents, modify and reorganize existing PDF documents, access metadata, view and create PDF/A documents, and more. Accusoft.PdfXpress7.Net.dll .NETFramework, Version=2.0
Packages Accusoft.FormFix.Net, Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win, and (optional) Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Asian.Win provide .props and .targets needed to copy native resources during builds. Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 projects should explicitly add these packages even if another NuGet package with this dependency has already been added to that project.

Adding FormSuite NuGet Packages

Once installed, FormSuite will have evaluation mode activated by default. To continue developing or deploying with FormSuite, you will need a paid license. Refer to Licensing and Distributing for more information.

All of our packages can be found at, which is the central package repository used by all package authors and consumers. The NuGet Package Manager is configured, by default, to use for packages' sources.

From Visual Studio

  1. Open the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio by right-clicking on the project or solution in the Solution Explorer, and choose Manage NuGet packages.
  2. In the opened window make sure that Package source is set to
  3. Select Browse at the top-left of the page, and type Accusoft.FormSuite.Net into the search bar to find the package.
  4. Select the package on the left and then click the Install button on the right.
    After installing the required package, you should see the newly added FormSuite component assemblies (and their dependencies) in your application's References folder.
  5. Add the component namespace to any C# or VB.NET source file where you want to reference its classes:
    using Accusoft.Forms;
    using Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk;
    using Accusoft.FormFixSdk;
    using Accusoft.ScanFixSdk;
    using Accusoft.SmartZoneICRSdk;
    using Accusoft.SmartZoneOCRSdk;
    Native binaries and additional resources are copied to your app's output directory after building your project.

To learn more, we also recommend following the official tutorials available at

Asian Language OCR Recognition

SmartZone OCR Asian Language Recognition requires you to explicitly install the package, Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Asian.Win. If your app does not use SmartZone to recognize Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai or Vietnamese languages, this optional dependency can be omitted.

Asian Language OCR Recognition requires a separate license for development and deployment. Please contact an Accusoft Sales Representative ( or see our pricing page for more information.

Customizing SmartZone NuGet Packages

Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win & Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Asian.Win

The required OCR language resource files are copied to folder $(OutDir)assets after the MSBuild Target "Build" completes. By default, this directory is expected to be adjacent to the Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.Net.dll assembly at runtime.

To change this location to a different directory:

  1. Override the MSBuild property Accusoft_SmartZone_OCRDataPath in your project.
  2. Provide this new location to SmartZone OCR with its OCRDataPath property before recognition is performed.
Uninstalling the Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win and Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Asian.Win packages does not delete resource files copied from building your application.


The troubleshooting section covers some common issues you may encounter and how to resolve them.

NuGet Package Restore Failed: (The Specified Path, File Name or Both are too long.)

NuGet Package restore failed for project [ProjectName]: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters...

To remedy, do one of the following:

The Specified Path, File Name, or Both are Too Long. (Accusoft.SmartZone.Runtime.Win Only)

During a build, Target "CopyAccusoftSmartZoneRuntimeWin" can fail copying OCR language resources:

error MSB4023: Cannot evaluate the item metadata "%(Filename)". The item metadata "%(Filename)" cannot be applied to the path "XXXX". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

To remedy, do one of the following:

Internal Error: Remote OCR Engine Initialization Error. The Provided Search Location for SmartZone.OCRDataPath may be Invalid.

At runtime, an exception can result when SmartZoneOCR Reader.AnalyzeField is called and OCR language files are not found:

SmartZoneOCRException: Internal Error: Remote OCR engine initialization error. The provided search location for SmartZone.OCRDataPath may be invalid.

This issue may be the result of misconfiguration or an incomplete build after NuGet packages are restored.

To remedy, try the following:


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