Form Set Schema Definition
To use custom code and develop a form set creation tool that works with Forms API, you have to abide by the schema of form sets that Forms API expects. This schema is given in the context of classes in the Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk namespace.
Schema of Form Sets for Forms API
The schema of form sets that Forms API expects is as follow:
FormSet Object (Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk.FormSet)
- Must configure the Identification property.
- Identification.Type must equal "FormFix/Identification".
- Identification.Content must be a string written by the Accusoft.FormFixSdk.IdentificationProcessor.WriteToStream method.
- May add zero or one DataItem to the Operations collection specifying enhancements to be performed with ScanFix Xpress.
- The DataItem's Type must be "ScanFix/Enhancement".
- The DataItem's Content must be written by the Accusoft.ScanFixXpressSdk.Enhancements.WriteToStream method.
- May add zero or more FormDefinition objects to the FormDefinitions collection.
- Each FormDefinition in the collection should have a unique value for the Name property.
FormDefinition Object (Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk.FormDefinition)
- Must set the Name property.
- May add zero or more Field objects to the Fields collection.
Field Object (Accusoft.FormDirectorSdk.Field)
- Must set the Name property.
- Must add one DataItem to the OtherDataItems collection specifying the field type.
- The DataItem's Type must be "Pegasus/Type".
- The DataItem’s Content must be one of the following:
- Must configure the Construction property.
- Construction.Type must equal "FormFix/DropOut".
- Construction.Content must be a string written by the Accusoft.FormFixSdk.DropOutProcessor.WriteToStream method.
- May add zero or one DataItem to the Operations collection specifying enhancements to be performed with ScanFix Xpress.
- The DataItem's Type must be "ScanFix/Enhancement".
- The DataItem's Content must be written by the Accusoft.ScanFixXpressSdk.Enhancements.WriteToStream method.
- If the field type is "ICR", must add one DataItem to the Operations collection specifying the ICR operation settings to be performed with SmartZone ICR.
- The DataItem's Type must be "SmartZoneICR/Recognition".
- The DataItem's Content must be written by the Accusoft.SmartZoneICR.SmartZoneICR.WriteToStream method.
- If the field type is "OCR", must add one DataItem to the Operations collection specifying the OCR operation settings to be performed with SmartZone OCR.
- The DataItem's Type must be "SmartZoneOCR/Recognition".
- The DataItem's Content must be written by the Accusoft.SmartZoneOCR.SmartZoneOCR.WriteToStream method.
- If the field type is "OMR", must add one DataItem to the Operations collection specifying the OMR operation settings to be performed with FormFix's OmrProcessor class.
- The DataItem's Type must be "FormFix/OMR".
- The DataItem's Content must be written by the Accusoft.FormFixSdk.OmrProcessor.WriteToStream method.