FormFix v6.0 for .NET - Updated
Integrate with SmartZoneOCR/ICR
Developer Guide > How To > Use FormDirector > Integrate with Other Components > Integrate with SmartZoneOCR/ICR

SmartZoneOCR and SmartZoneICR provide functionality for a forms processing application to be able to read machine printed characters and hand printed characters in an image/field.

Store SmartZoneOCR and SmartZoneICR control parameters in a DataItem Content string. Use the DataItem Type string “SmartZoneOCR/Recognition” and “SmartZoneICR/Recognition” to indicate that the DataItem represents an OCR operation or an ICR operation. The DataItem should be added to the Operations collection of a Field object.

Creating Control Parameters for SmartZone Operations

The process described below applies to SmartZoneICR and SmartZoneOCR operations. For this example we are describing the procedure for the SmartZoneOCR component; for another component replace SmartZoneOCR with your component’s name.

  1. Create an instance of the SmartZoneOCR class.
  2. Get the instance of the Reader class through the property/field of the SmartZoneOCR class.
  3. Configure the properties of the SmartZoneOCR instance.
  4. Configure the properties of the Reader instance to suit the data acquisition operation you need to perform.
  5. Call the WriteToStream method of the SmartZoneOCR instance to write the control parameters to a string.
  6. Store the string in a local variable for placement in a DataItem object later.


See Also
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