FormFix v6.0 for .NET - Updated
Classify Fields as OCR and ICR
Developer Guide > How To > Use FormFix > Classify Fields as OCR and ICR
Field Type Classification is only available on 64-bit platforms.

Typical Field Type Classification Steps

  1. Instantiate a FormImage object. Objects of this class can only be created with bitonal, one bit per pixel images.
  2. Instantiate a FieldTypeClassificationProcessor object.
  3. Modify the FieldTypeClassificationProcessor.Area property with a field's location on the form.
  4. Call the FieldTypeClassificationProcessor.Identify method, passing the FormImage as a parameter.
  5. On successful completion, the FieldTypeClassificationProcessor.Identify method returns a FieldTypeResult object. Read the FieldTypeResult.FieldType property to identify the highest confidence FieldType, or iterate the FieldTypeResult.Matches property to read each confidence as a FieldTypeMatch object.
  6. Finally, dispose the FieldTypeClassificationProcessor and FormImage objects after they are no longer needed.


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