FormFix® Version 5 is a forms identification, registration, and OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) component. Its primary purpose is to speed the application development process of structured forms processing systems.
New Features in Version 5.2
FormFix v5.2 includes the following enhancements:
New Features in Version 5
Primary Features
Form Recognition and Registration
- Ability to add multiple forms to a form template library.
- Ability to identify incoming unknown images by matching them to a form template, returning form identification and confidence level information.
- Ability to align (register) a filled form to its matching form template.
- Ability to limit identification operations to a subset of the available templates.
- Ability to identify and register forms even when the input filled form exhibits these characteristics:
- Skew
- Smaller image size than the template
- Forms scanned at different resolutions than the template resolution
- Rotated from the template
- Warped images
- Printing variations
- Support of simple form registration using registration marks.
- Configurable settings to control the level of effort in completing form matching:
- Selection and return of a best match
- Return of a configurable number of additional potential matches
- Return of a confidence value for each match performed
- Support for form drop-out within specified regions of interest or the entire image to improve OCR, ICR, and OMR recognition accuracy.
- Ability to reconstruct hand or machine printed characters that may have crossed the lines or guide text defining the form and were subsequently dropped out.
- Configurable application of stroke restoration across areas of the image where the form was removed.
- Ability to define single or multiple mark zones for OMR (Optical Mark Recognition).
- Processing of two dimensional grids of bubbles, such as that used for defining name or identification number fields.
- Return of confidence values aids in catching multiple and questionable marks.
- Provides algorithms for advanced recognition and accuracy of multi-mark fields.
- Includes dropout processing prior to mark detection for most accurate recognition.
FormFix Editions
FormFix version 5 is offered in two editions, Standard and Professional. FormFix Professional is the default edition and includes the maximum functionality available.
- FormFix Professional - designed for high volume applications where processing speed is critical. FormFix Professional identifies and aligns images at sub-second speeds, limited only by CPU processing speed. This product also includes ImagXpress Professional, ScanFix Xpress, SmartZone ICR, SmartZone OCR, and FormDirector.
- FormFix Standard - designed for lower volume/lower cost applications where processing speed is not critical. FormFix Standard identifies and aligns up to 20 forms per minute. This product also includes ImagXpress .Net Standard, and FormDirector.
Only bitonal (pure black and white) images are supported by the FormFix component in the FormFix Standard edition. The component will return an error when asked to act on a color or gray image. Conversion from color or grayscale images, along with image enhancement specifically designed for color images are available by using the ScanFix Xpress component included with the FormFix Professional Edition.
Accusoft Components in FormSuite™
- FormDirector™ for form and form set definition.
- SmartZone™ OCR performs OCR for zonal OCR and ICR recognition processing.
- SmartZone™ ICR performs ICR recognition in user defined areas of interest or "zones" on an image.
- ScanFix® Xpress for image enhancements, cleanup, and auto binarization.
- ImagXpress® for loading, saving, and viewing images.
- NotateXpress™ for adding image annotations.
- PrintPRO™ for printing.
- ThumbnailXpress™ to view thumbnail images.
- TwainPRO™ to acquire images from TWAIN devices.
Additional Accusoft Demonstrations in FormSuite™ and FormFix™
- FormAssist™ Demo – FormAssist is a program provided with source code by Accusoft to demonstrate the capabilities of FormSuite. FormAssist illustrates best practices for the integration of all the FormSuite components, as well as an example workflow. Use FormAssist as a foundation for developing your production forms processing application.
Access the source code through the Windows Start menu: Start | All Programs | Accusoft | FormSuite 5 | FormSuite 5 Samples
- Sample Applications – Small forms processing applications with source code, designed to demonstrate use of specific functionality, are included with each individual component (FormFix, FormDirector, ImagXpress, and ScanFix Xpress).
For information on how to register and license all your Accusoft components, see Licensing.