FormDirector™ Version 3 is dedicated to integrating various Accusoft components into a robust forms-processing product. It handles all read and write operations of form definition files and form set files.
New Features in Version 3.2
FormDirector v3.2 includes the following:
- Added support for FormFix/FieldTypeClassificationProcessor in Form Definition .FRD files. Used to classify field content as either OCR or ICR.
New Features in Version 3.0
- Determine when the template images in the form definitions or form set have changed
- New sample projects for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013.
- Removed sample projects for Visual Studio 2008.
Primary Features
- Read, update and write form set files
- Read, update and write form definition files
- Create a new image for a field with pixels cropped from a source image (Field Clips)
- Ability to operate on many sets of templates
This component replaces form definition code in SmartScan Xpress ICR/OCR/OMR form definition files, FormFix table files and Prizm Color IP form definition and form suite files.
FormDirector is structured using the standard Accusoft component architecture. It can be a stand-alone component capable of passing images via memory to any other Accusoft component or commercial product with a supported image transfer mechanism.
FormDirector Edition
FormDirector is offered in a single edition, FormDirector Standard, which supports a line of bitonal forms-processing components.
- FormDirector Standard - includes support of bitonal forms-processing input and output of form definition files and form set files.
Only binary images are supported in this release. The component will return an error when asked to act on a color or gray image. Conversion from color or grayscale images is available by using the included ImagXpress or ScanFix components.
Accusoft Components in FormSuite™
- FormFix® for forms identification, form dropout, OMR processing, and OCR/ICR field type auto classification.
- SmartZone OCR performs OCR Recognition in user defined areas of interest or "zones" on an image.
- SmartZone ICR performs ICR Recognition in user defined areas of interest or "zones" on an image.
- ScanFix® Xpress image enhancements, cleanup, and using automatic binarization.
- ImagXpress® for image loading and viewing.
- NotateXpress™ for adding image annotations.
- PrintPRO™ for printing.
- ThumbnailXpress™ to view thumbnail images.
- TwainPRO™ to acquire images from TWAIN devices.
- ISIS® Xpress™ for ISIS image acquisition. License sold separately.
Additional Accusoft Demonstration in FormSuite™
- FormAssist - a freeware product provided by Accusoft that demonstrates the capabilities of FormSuite. FormAssist source code is included in the downloaded installation for FormSuite.
Access the source code through the Windows Start menu: Start | All Programs | Accusoft | FormSuite | FormSuite 5 Samples.
For information on how to register and license all your Accusoft components, see Licensing.
See Also