FormSuite™ FormAssist is an application that can be used to quickly set up, build, and test form sets for subsequent processing of input images.
It also includes a desktop form processing workflow that can be used to test form sets.
The form set creation process involves:
- selecting image files to be used as form templates,
- specifying definitions for Automatic Classification of fields during the processing stage
- specifying definitions for processing OCR, ICR, OMR or Clip fields for each template image.
Form set creation must be performed before forms processing. The FormAssist application makes it easy to specify processing attributes for each individual field.
FormAssist allows you to select one or more filled form images for processing and then examine the images being processed based on the instructions provided. The processing steps include:
- image enhancements
- form identification (matching the input image to a form template)
- form alignment to the template
- automatically classifying content of fields with automatic classification defined
- processing of each defined field, including OCR, ICR, OMR, and image clipping.