Barcode Xpress for .NET v13.6 - Updated
Try the Sample Applications
Getting Started > Try the Sample Applications


Barcode Xpress for .NET has the following samples on GitHub to demonstrate how easy it is to use Barcode Xpress in your applications:


A minimal .NET application which detects barcodes on a given bitmap image.


A minimal .NET application that shows the basics of creating 1D barcodes and saving them to a bitmap. A list of 1D Barcodes for which writing is supported is provided in Supported Barcode Types.


A minimal .NET application that shows the basics of creating 2D barcodes and saving them to a bitmap. A list of 2D Barcodes for which writing is supported is provided in Supported Barcode Types.


A simple .NET application showing how to create and read QR barcodes with Japanese Kanji/Kana symbols.

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