Barcode Xpress for .NET v13.6 - Updated
Barcode Xpress NET Constructors
Developer Guide > Barcode Xpress NET Constructors

Barcode Xpress compresses and stores some of its code in the "native component". The native component comes in several forms. Barcode Xpress allows three different options for loading the native component: the MemoryLoader, SSMLoader, and LoadLibrary.


The Memory Loader loads the native component directly into memory. This is the behavior used by the default no-argument constructor.

SSM Loader

The SSM Loader works by extracting the native component in the form of a compressed SSM file to a directory you specify. This is the original behavior of Barcode Xpress in versions 12 and earlier.

If the native component is already at the location you specified, it will not be overwritten. If you are upgrading from one minor version to another, be sure to delete these files or Barcode Xpress will still be using the native component from the previous version. You can use 'BarcodeXpress(string ssmDirectory)' constructor for this case.


If this option is selected, Barcode Xpress will load the native component in the form of a DLL. The DLL will be named Accusoft.BarcodeXpress<Version>.WorkerExports.dll for 32-bit architecture and Accusoft.BarcodeXpress<Version>.WorkerExports64.dll for 64-bit architecture. If your application targets both 32- and 64-bit architectures, you’ll need both DLLs.

You will need to use the BarcodeXpress(NativeLoader loadingMethod) or the BarcodeXpress(string libraryPath, NativeLoader loadingMethod) constructor to load the native component this way. If you’re shipping your application that uses this loading method, be sure to include the above DLLs.

Barcode Xpress has several constructors that allows you to choose how the native component will be loaded:

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