Barcode Xpress works with 1-bit black and white images, 8-bit grayscale images, and 24-bit color images. To convert other image formats use the ImagXpress ColorDepth method or other methods with the included ImagXpress component. If you use ImageGear, use the ConvertColorSpace method.
C++ Example - Minimum C++ code to load an image using Accusoft.ImagXpress13.ActiveX for a 32-bit environment |
Copy Code
//load a 1BPP, black and white image into the ImagXpress control m_pImagXpress->FileName = “C:\\testbarcodeimage.tif”; // Copy the hDib long hDib = m_pImagXpress->CopyDIB(); // Analyze the barcode m_pBarcodeXpress->AnalyzehDib(hDib); // Free the hDib GlobalFree(LongToHandle(hDib)); |
C++ Example - Minimum C++ code to load an image using ImageGear |
Copy Code
// Create an ImageGear page GearCORELib::IIGPagePtr page; page = g_pIGCore->CreatePage(); // Load the page from file m_pIGFormats->LoadPageFromFile(page, fileName, 0); // Export the page to a dib GearCORELib::IIGPlatformDIBPtr platformDib = page->PlatformDIBExport(GearCORELib::IG_DIB_EXPORT_FORMAT_WINDOWS, false, 0, 0, page->ImageWidth, page->ImageHeight, 0); HGLOBAL hDib = LongToHandle(platformDib->DIBPtrGet()); // Read the barcodes pBarcodeXpress->AnalyzehDib(HandleToLong(hDib)); |
See the Recognize a Barcode topic for information on recognition.
See the Overview topic for code examples on acquiring barcodes.