Accusoft BarcodeXpress v13.3 - Updated
BC_ModeTransitionType Enumeration
AccusoftBarcodeXpress13 ActiveX DLL : BC_ModeTransitionType Enumeration
Specifies state transitions in the barcode reader's internal state.
BC_None0No mode transition has occurred.
BC_QR_Alpha2QR Code's Alphanumeric mode.
BC_QR_Byte3QR Code's Byte mode.
BC_QR_ECI5QR Code's Extended Channel Interpretation mode.
BC_QR_FNC1_First6QR Code's FNC1 mode, first position.
BC_QR_FNC1_Second7QR Code's FNC1 mode, second position.
BC_QR_Kanji4QR Code's Kanji mode.
BC_QR_Numeric1QR Code's Numeric mode.
BC_QR_StructureAppend8QR Code's Structured Append mode.
Many barcode types are encoded as a state machine. When reading the data encoded therein, the machine will often move from one state to another. With this information exposed, it now gives decoders more information as to the inner context of the barcode's information.