Barcode Xpress for Node.js v13.2 - Updated May 19, 2020
Patch Code
User Guide > Concepts > Barcode Specifications > Barcode Types > Patch Code

The Patch Code barcode is a fixed-length, binary 1D barcode with no checksum.

Example Barcode

The following example barcode encodes the information 1100 as an Patch Code (Patch 1) barcode:

Patch Code


Patch Codes come in 6 different varieties which Barcode Xpress supports:

Patch Code Type Barcode Value
Patch 1 1100
Patch 2 1001
Patch 3 1010
Patch 4 / Toggle Patch 0110
Patch 6 0011
Patch T / Transfer patch 0101

Patch Codes must be analyzed separately. Other barcodes cannot be analyzed at the same time.

Managing Organization

The Patch Code is designed and governed by the Kodak corporation. 1

Platform-Specific Notes

To write a Patch Code using Barcode Xpress, set the writer BarcodeType property to PatchCode, then set the writer BarcodeValue property to a value of 1 through 6.

Patch Codes require a quiet zone, which should be at least the width of 10 narrow bars. This means that if you set the MinimumBarWidth property to 5 pixels (narrow bar size), you should set the HorizontalWhiteSpace property to 50 pixels.

The minimum bar width for Patch Codes is 5.


  1. Kodak. Kodak Scanners Patch Code Information. Kodak, 2006.

For more information, see the Barcode Xpress SDK product page or try our online demos.