The Intelligent Mail barcode is a fixed-length, numeric 1D barcode with a CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) checksum for error detection.
The following example barcode encodes the information 44123123456123456789
as an Intelligent Mail barcode:
Intelligent Mail barcodes are fixed-length at 65 bars. Those 65 bars encode 20, 25, 29, or 31 digits of information, as zip codes are variable-length (0, 5, 9, or 11 digits).
A Intelligent Mail barcode has 5 sections.
BI (Barcode Identifier) - 2-digit identifier assigned by the Postal Service.-digit 2 must be between 0 and 4 (inclusive).
STID (Service Type Identifier) - 3-digit identifier assigned by the Postal Service for services requested for the mail.
MID (Mailer ID) - 6- or 9-digit identifier assigned by the Postal Service that identifies the customer. 6-digit MIDs cannot begin with a 9, and 9-digit MIDs must start with a 9.
Serial Number - 6- or 9-digit value to establish uniqueness. This value is 6 digits if a 9-digit MID is used, and vice-versa.
Routing Code - 0, 5, 9, or 11-digit code for routing the mail to its final delivery point.
The Intelligent Mail barcode is governed by USPS-B-3200. 1
The Intelligent Mail barcode is also known as the "USPS OneCode Solution" or "USPS 4-State Customer Barcode" (abbreviated "4CB", "4-CB", or "USPS4CB").
Intelligent Mail barcodes are able to encode PostNet and Planet barcodes into a single barcode. 1
Intelligent Mail barcodes are similar to other 4-state barcodes that are common among postage organizations (e.g. Royal Post 4-State, Australia Post 4-State).
For more information, see the Barcode Xpress SDK product page or try our online demos.