Barcode Xpress for Node.js v13.2 - Updated May 19, 2020
Code 32
User Guide > Concepts > Barcode Specifications > Barcode Types > Code 32

The Code 32 barcode is a variable-length, alphanumeric, self-checking 1D barcode with a checksum for error detection. Code 32 is used primarily in Italy for the classification of pharmaceutical products. 1

Example Barcode

The following example barcode encodes the information "A909964468" as an Code 32 barcode:

Code 32


Code 32 is a restricted version of Code 39, including only the uppercase vowels (no "Y") and digits. Code 32 similarly includes the characters space " ", minus "-", plus "+", period ".", dollar sign "$", slash "/", and percent "%". Code 32 differs from Code 39 in that the checksum is mandatory.

Managing Organization

The Code 32 barcode was adopted by the Italian Ministry of Health. 1

Platform-Specific Notes

To detect Code 32 barcodes, set the BarcodeTypes property to this type so that the barcode engine specifically looks for Code 32. Otherwise, it might confuse a Code 32 barcode with a Code 39 barcode.

Similar Barcode Types

Related Barcodes

Code 39 is the unabridged version of Code 32 barcodes, and Code 39 Extended supports even more characters.


  1. "Il Codice 32." Il Manuale Del Codice a Barre, ACSE,

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