Barcode Xpress for Node.js v13.2 - Updated May 19, 2020
User Guide > Concepts > Overview

Barcode Xpress for Node.js is an SDK designed for barcode recognition. Barcode Xpress for Node.js performs the task of recognizing barcodes in a digital image.

The API will detect and analyze any barcodes found within the image and store the output data into a results array object. This object contains the area, type, value, corners and confidence.

Barcode Detection

Barcode Xpress for Node.js makes it easy to add barcode detection to your Web applications. Barcode Xpress for Node.js automatically detects all barcodes in an image and it gives you complete details about each barcode.

For a list of barcodes that can be read and the editions that support them, see Supported Barcode Types.

Barcode Results

Each barcode result contains the following parameters: