Upgrade Prizm Annotation Server

Upgrade Prizm® Annotation Server

Before you can take advantage of the additional features (including additional annotation types), you must upgrade your Prizm Annotation Server and annotation server data.

Upgrade Annotations

Prizm Annotation Server v10 does not work with legacy annotations (data), and does not support Prizm Viewer versions prior to version 9. You must upgrade annotations to Prizm Viewer 10 XML-based formats that Prizm Viewer now uses. The XML schema is included in the PV10AnnotationsSchema reference in the Accusoft.PrizmViewer10.Admin.chm Help file.

Legacy Converter

v10 provides a utility, the Legacy Converter, for upgrading file-based annotations. If you have annotations stored using another store (i.e. Access database), you can create a process for converting your annotation data based on the source code included with this utility.

Since you have the source code to Prizm Annotation Server, it is possible to modify the code so that it can support legacy annotations and previous versions of Prizm Viewer. For more information, refer to the Accusoft.PrizmViewer10.Admin.chm Help file. 

To obtain the legacy conversion utility, send a note requesting it to and they will send it to you. There is no license fee associated with the utility.

Upgrading Prizm Annotation Server ASP.NET to Visual Studio 2005

Prizm Annotation Server ASP.NET has been built using Visual Studio 2005. To upgrade the project, perform the following steps:

1.  Copy the source files to a folder where the project can be referenced as http://localhost/PrizmAnnotServer (this is typically C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\PrizmAnnotServer).

Make sure all the read-only attributes are cleared for all the source code files.

2.  Open the PrizmAnnotServer.csproj using Visual Studio 2005, allowing the upgrade tool to upgrade the project.

Do NOT perform the Convert to Web Application step following the project upgrade. When you perform the Convert to Web Application step, Visual Studio updates classes that require you to rework the PrizmAnnotServer.aspx and Global.asax files before they will compile and produce expected results.

3.  Modify the web.config file and remove <xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy"/> from the <system.web> section.


See Also



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