PrizmDoc v12.0 - November 15, 2016
Module: download-signed-form-trigger

Module: download-signed-form-trigger

Triggers the event for downloading a signed form.

This UI of this module is a button that the user can click to start burning the fields into the form and then download the burned document. This button will be disabled until the user has filled all of the required fields on the document.

(require("download-signed-form-trigger"))(viewer, options)

Creates the download signed form trigger UI module.

Name Type Description
viewer Core

The core viewer to which the module will attach.

options Object

An options object.

Name Type Description
elem HTMLElement

The element in which the module UI will be inserted.

  • module:event-store#event:StartBurningForm - This event is fired to indicate that the user wants to begin burning the document and download the burned document.

Listens to Events:
var DownloadSignedFormTrigger = require('download-signed-form-trigger.js');

// a generic Viewer constructor
function Viewer(opts) {
    var myDownloadSignedFormTrigger = DownloadSignedFormTrigger(this, {
        elem: document.getElementById('myDownloadSignedFormTrigger')



Destroys the module.



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