$(function () { setTimeout(function () { $('iframe#webcontent').attr('src', getDefaultTopic()); }, 100); }); function getDefaultTopic() { var qs = window.location.search; //December 2015: Commenting out the next 3 lines to enable tracking within URLs in Marketing emails - per Jamison Prianos and Marc Russell //if (qs.length > 0) //return qs.substring(1) + window.location.hash; //else if (window.location.hash.length > 0) return window.location.hash.substring(1); else return defaultTopic; } if (isDefaultLayoutEnabled) { loadDefaultLayout(); } else { // Loading in respsonsive mode, conditionally load responsive or desktop layout switch (getDeviceType()) { case "TABLET": case "MOBILE": Modernizr.load([{ load: ['stylesheets/responsive.webframe.css', 'script/responsive.webframe.js', 'script/jquery.animate-enhanced.js'], complete: function () { onResponsiveWebFrameLoadComplete(); } }]); break; case "DESKTOP": loadDefaultLayout(); break; } } function loadDefaultLayout() { Modernizr.load([{ load: ['stylesheets/jquery.layout.css', 'script/jquery.layout.min.js', 'script/webframe.js'], complete: function () { onDesktopWebFrameLoadComplete(); } }]); }