Accusoft PrintPRO 8
PP_SaveFileType Enumeration

Option values which define the possible types of files generated.

PP_SaveFileType_Bmp5(5) Bitmap (color)
PP_SaveFileType_Default0(0) Default file and compression type.
PP_SaveFileType_Emf6(6) Enhanced MetaFile
PP_SaveFileType_PdfDefault8(8) PDF default.
PP_SaveFileType_PdfG310(10) PDF with CCITT G3 compression (black and white compressed).
PP_SaveFileType_PdfG32D11(11) PDF with CCITT G3 2D compression (black and white compressed).
PP_SaveFileType_PdfG47(7) PDF with CCITT G4 compression (black and white compressed)
PP_SaveFileType_PdfJbig212(12) PDF with JBig2 compression.
PP_SaveFileType_PdfNoCompress9(9) PDF with no compression.
PP_SaveFileType_PdfSeqJpeg13(13) PDF with sequential JPEG compression.
PP_SaveFileType_Tif1(1) TIFF (Color)
PP_SaveFileType_TifG32(2) TIFF with CCITT G3 compression (Black & white compressed)
PP_SaveFileType_TifG32D3(3) TIFF with CCITT G3 2D compression (Black & white compressed)
PP_SaveFileType_TifG44(4) TIFF with CCITT G4 compression (Black & white compressed)
PP_SaveFileType_TifSeqJpeg14(14) TIFF with sequential JPEG compression.




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