RectangleTool Class Members
Properties  Methods 

The following tables list the members exposed by RectangleTool.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorRectangleTool ConstructorDefault constructor for the RectangleTool class.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyBackStyleGets and sets the style of the background used within the rectangle annotation.  
Public PropertyBoundingRectangleGets and sets the rectangle boundary for the element. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyCreateTimeA Read only property that gets the time when the element was created. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyFillColorGets and sets the color used to fill in the area of the rectangle annotation.  
Public PropertyFixedGets and sets whether an annotation has a fixed position with respect to the control window. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyGroupMemberGets the group which the element belongs to. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyHatchColorGets and sets the color of the hatch style used within the rectangle annotation.  
Public PropertyHatchStyleGets and sets the hatch style used within the rectangle annotation.  
Public PropertyHighlightFillGets and sets whether or not the background of the rectangle annotation is translucent.  
Public PropertyIsGroupMemberA read only property that gets a value which determines if the element is a member of a group or not. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyLockedGets and sets an indicator whether an annotation element can be selected or moved by a user in Edit mode. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyMoveableGets and sets whether the element can be moved by a user in Edit mode. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyNumberPointsA Read only property that gets the number of points currently used to define the element. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyPenColorGets and sets the color of the pen used to draw the border around the rectangle annotation.  
Public PropertyPenWidthGets and sets the width of the pen used to draw the rectangle annotation.  
Public PropertySelectedGets and sets whether the element has been selected. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyShowHandlesGets and sets whether selection handles are displayed on an object when it is selected. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertySizeableGets and sets whether the element can be resized. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyToolTipTextGets and sets a string value in the element that will become the ToolTipText value associated with the element. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyUserDrawGets and sets whether or not the UserDraw event is raised.  
Public PropertyUserLongGets and sets a user defined long value associated with the element. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyUserStringGets and sets a user-defined string associated with the element. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyVisibleGets and sets whether the element is visible. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public PropertyZOrderGets the Z-Order for the element. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public Methods
Public MethodNudgeDownMoves the specified annotation object one level down, towards the back, in the painting order of the specified layer. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public MethodNudgeUpMoves the specified annotation object one level up, towards the front, in the painting order of the specified layer. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public MethodUserDataAddUser data can be added to each element in a key value pair. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public MethodUserDataDeleteUser data can be added to each element in a key value pair. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public MethodUserDataFindUser data can be added to each element in a key value pair. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public MethodUserDataFindFirstUser data can be added to each element in a key value pair. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
Public MethodUserDataFindNextUser data can be added to each element in a key value pair. (Inherited from Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk.Element)
See Also


RectangleTool Class
Accusoft.NotateXpressSdk Namespace



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