
Groups are collections of annotation elements. Groups are associated with layers, and can only contain elements from the associated layer. Elements can only be a member of one group at a time.

GrpAddItem Adds the annotation element that resides on the specified layer to the specified group.
GrpAddSelected Adds all of the currently selected annotation elements on the specified layer to the specified group.
GrpAddType Adds all annotation elements of the specified annotation type to the specified group.
GrpCreateGroup Creates an empty annotation group.
GrpDestroyGroup Destroys the specified group.
GrpGetFirstGroupID Gets the group ID of the first group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer.
GrpGetFirstItem Gets the sequence number of the first annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group.
GrpGetItemCount Gets the number of annotation elements in the specified annotation group.
GrpGetName Gets the name for the specified group.
GrpGetNextGroupID Gets the group ID of the next group in an enumeration sequence of groups associated with the specified layer.
GrpGetNextItem Gets the sequence number of the next annotation element in an enumeration sequence of annotation elements in the specified group.
GrpGetRect Gets the bounding rectangle for the specified group.
GrpGetSelected Gets the selected attribute for the specified group.
GrpGetUserLong Gets a long that the application may associate for the specified group.
GrpGetUserString Gets a string that the application may associate for the specified group.
GrpGetYoked Gets the yoked attribute for the specified group.
GrpGroupIDFromName Gets the GroupID for the specified group name.
GrpInvert Invert the arrangement of all annotation elements in the specified yoked annotation group.
GrpMirror Mirror the arrangement of all annotation elements for the specified yoked annotation group.
GrpRemoveAll Remove all annotation elements for the specified annotation group.
GrpRemoveItem Removes the specified annotation element for the specified annotation group.
GrpRemoveType Removes all elements of the specified annotation type for the specified group.
GrpSetAttribute Sets the given attribute value to all members of the specified group that share the attribute.
GrpSetName Sets the user defined name for the specified annotation group.
GrpSetRect Sets the bounding rectangle for the specified group.
GrpSetSelected Sets the selected attribute for the specified group.
GrpSetUserLong Sets a long that the application may associate for the specified group.
GrpSetUserString Sets a string that the application may associate for the specified group.
GrpSetYoked Sets the yoked attribute of the given group.
GrpUserDataAdd Adds user data to a specific group.
GrpUserDataDelete Deletes user data from a specific group.
GrpUserDataFind Finds user data from the specified group using the provided key.
GrpUserDataFindFirst Finds the first user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group.
GrpUserDataFindNext Finds the next user data pair from the list of key value pairs for the specific group.
PrgGetGroupCount Get the number of groups for the specific layer.
AllowUserGrouping Gets and sets if users can create and destroy groups via keyboard commands.
UserGroupCreated Raised when a user creates a new group by selecting multiple objects and then pressing Ctrl-G.
UserGroupDestroyed Raised when the user destroys a selected group by pressing Ctrl-U.

See Also



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