Performs an immediate adaptive noise removal on the bi-tonal image specified, irrespective of its resolution.
Copy Code
Return Value:
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call.
Supported Raster Image Formats:
Indexed RGB - 1 bpp.
Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ErrCount = 0;
HIGEAR higImage = 0;
HIG_REC_IMAGE higRecImage = 0;
ErrCount += IG_load_file("Image.tif", &higImage);
ErrCount += IG_REC_image_import(higImage, &higRecImage);
ErrCount += IG_REC_image_despeckle(higRecImage);
ErrCount += IG_REC_image_delete(higRecImage);
ErrCount += IG_image_delete(higImage);
- An image despeckled by this function replaces the original one and is available for display and export.
- If the image specified is not a bi-tonal one, the function sets ImageGear error with Value1 set to IGE_REC_EXT_IMG_BITSPERPIXEL_ERR.
- This function is useful for typical images that originally had a grayed or colored background that was not completely removed. It can be useful also for faxed pages or those with a spotted background.
- The algorithm will run whatever the resolution, however, it is optimized for images with at least 280 dpi resolution.
- As an alternative, the setting IG_REC_despeckle_mode_set is available. While it is enabled, all bi-tonal images with a resolution of 280 dpi or higher are copied and despeckled whenever a function is called which can benefit from a cleaner image, i.e., pre-processing, auto-zoning, or recognition. However, these despeckled images are not available to the application.
- This function is not applied to grayscale or color images, because any implicit conversion the recognition engine makes internally results in cleaned (but hidden) bi-tonal files.
See Also