This function registers a callback of type LPFNIG_GUITHUMBTITLE, which gives you the flexibility to modify the contents of the thumbnail title for the next thumbnail loaded.
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AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_GUI_thumbnail_title_CB_register ( HWND hwndThumbnail, LPFNIG_GUITHUMBTITLE lpfnThumbTitle, LPVOID lpPrivateData ); |
Name | Type | Description |
hWndThumbnail | HWND | Windows handle to the Thumbnail window. |
lpfnThumbTitle | LPFNIG_GUITHUMBTITLE | The name of the callback function you are registering, to be called to modify the thumbnail title. |
lpPrivateData | LPVOID | A far pointer to any private data that you want to pass to the callback. |
Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.
This function does not process image pixels.
The callback used with this function correctly reports color space and bit depth for these pixel formats only:
Indexed RGB – 1, 4, 8 bpp;
Grayscale – 9…16 bpp;
RGB – 24 bpp;
CMYK – 32 bpp.