ImageGear for C and C++ on Windows v19.4 - Updated
API Reference Guide > Core Component API Reference > Core Component Functions Reference > GUI Functions > GUI Page Functions > IG_GUI_page_order_CB_register

This function registers a callback of type LPFNIG_GUIPAGEDELETEPROC in which you can write a procedure that will receive notification if the image icons in the GUI page sorter window are moved around by the user.


Copy Code
AT_ERRCOUNT ACCUAPI IG_GUI_page_order_CB_register( 
        HWND hwndPage,
        LPFNIG_GUIPAGEORDERPROC lpfnPageOrderProc, 
        LPVOID lpPrivate


Name Type Description
hwndPage HWND Windows handle to the GUI page sorter window.
lpfnPageOrderProc LPFNIG_GUIPAGEORDERPROC A far pointer to the callback function that you would like to register.
lpPrivate LPVOID A far pointer to any private data that you would like to pass to the callback function.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

This function does not process image pixels.


Page, GUI Scan


See the example code under LPFNIG_GUIPAGEORDERPROC.


The user can move the image icons in the GUI page sorter window around by holding down the Shift key and dragging with the left mouse button.