ImageGear Professional for Unix

This function transfers pixels from the location pointed to by lpPixel into the rectangular portion of the image specified by rectangle lpRect.


Copy Code
        HIGEAR hIGear, 
        const LPAT_RECT lpRect, 
        const LPAT_PIXEL lpPixel, 
        AT_MODE nPixelFormat 


Name Type Description
hIGear HIGEAR ImageGear HIGEAR handle of image
lpRect const LPAT_RECT Far pointer to an AT_RECT struct specifying the rectangular portion of the image bitmap to set
lpPixel LPAT_PIXEL Far pointer to first byte of your pixel data
nPixelFormat AT_MODE A constant such as IG_DIB_AREA_UNPACKED specifying in what form you are providing the pixels. The IG_DIB_AREA_... constants are listed in file accucnst.h.

Return Value:

Returns the number of ImageGear errors that occurred during this function call. If there are no errors, the return value is IGE_SUCCESS.

Supported Raster Image Formats:

All pixel formats supported by ImageGear Professional.


Copy Code
HIGEAR          hIGear;        /* HIGEAR handle of image */
AT_RECT         rcBlock;       /* The rectangular block to set   */
AT_PIXEL        cPixelArray[400];    /* The pixels to set */
AT_DIMENSION    nWid, nHi;     /* Receives the width & height of an image */
UINT            nBpp;          /* Bits per pixel   */
AT_ERRCOUNT     nErrcount;      /* Receives the returned error counts  */
/* Sets the upper left 20 x 20 pixels, to cPixArray[]:               */ = rcBlock.left = 0;
rcBlock.bottom = rcBlock.right = 20;  /* 20x20 area, 400 pixels   */
nErrcount = IG_image_dimensions_get ( hIGear, &nWid, &nHi, &nBpp );  */
if ( nErrcount == 0 )      /* If valid image, dimensions obtained:  */
        if ( (nBpp <= 8) && (nWid >= 20) && (nHi >= 20) )    
/*Array is too small for 24-bit)     */
        INT           row, col; pix;     /* For the loops below  */
        AT_PIXEL      nPixval;          /* pixel value to set  */
        if (nBpp == 8) nPixval = 128;   /* Value to set if 8-bit   */
        if (nBpp == 4) nPixval = 8;     /* Value to set if 4-bit   */
        if (nBpp == 1) nPixval = 1;     /* Pixel ON if 1-bit    */
                for ( pix=0,row=0; row<20; row++ ) /* For all pixels in    */
                        for ( col=0; col<20; col++ )/* the 20 x 20 array:  */
                                cPixelArray[pix++] = nPixval;   
                                /* Set unpacked in byte    */
                nErrcount = IG_DIB_area_set ( hIGear, &rcBlock, &cPixelArray[0],


ImageGear's pixel access functions consider the coordinates (0,0) to refer to the upper left-hand corner of the bitmap data. They do not follow the DIB's orientation, which considers (0,0) to refer to the lower left-hand corner of the bitmap.

See also function IG_DIB_area_get().



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