ImageGear .NET
stepValue Property

Gets the difference between sequential choice values.
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Specification) 
function get_stepValue() : number(Integer)
ASP.NET Ajax Javascript (Usage) 
var resultVar = instanceOfImGearIsisTagChoices.get_stepValue();
Use this property when ChoiceKind is set to range. If x is the value of the MinValue property and s is the value of the StepValue property, then the available choices are x, x + s, x + 2s, and so forth, up to a maximum of the value of the MaxValue property. If the value of the TagType property is anything other than Integer or Rational, then this property is null.
See Also


ImageGear.Web.Isis Namespace Client API~ImageGear.Web.Isis.ImGearIsisTagChoices
ImGearIsisTagChoices Members



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